

Monday, May 31, 2010

Robert McJannett: It is clearly not possible to receive a fair trial in the Bali justice system

Schapelle Corby wants a baby behind bars |
Meanwhile, an Australian man who has arrived home after five months in a Bali jail for drug offences has called on the Rudd Government to bring Corby home.

Robert McJannett, a prominent trade unionist and former political candidate, hit out at Indonesian authorities when he arrived in Perth on the weekend.

"For the past five months, I have witnessed blackmail, bribery and corruption on an unprecedented scale. It is clearly not possible to receive a fair trial in the Bali justice system,'' he said.

Mr McJannett urged the Federal Government to intervene in the Corby case.

"I call on the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in this election year to bring Schapelle home, before it's too late,'' he said.

Corby was caught at Bali's airport in October 2004 with 4.1kg of marijuana in her boogie board bag.

Earlier this year she applied for presidential clemency, saying she was suffering from depression that could endanger her life.

Clemency decisions in Indonesian can take months.

McJannett was arrested at Bali's airport on December 28, 2009 with 1.7 grams of marijuana in his luggage.

The 48-year-old was released from jail on Friday after serving five months.

With The Courier-Mail and AAP

Calls for internet access to be enshrined as a fundamental right

Calls for internet access to be enshrined as a fundamental right
Internet use has become so woven into everyday life that some technology experts say online access should be legally protected, even to the point of considering it a human right.

''It's a social inclusion question,'' said Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre executive director David Vaile, who is alarmed film and music companies have sought to require internet service providers to disconnect individual accounts over unproven piracy allegations.

Mr Vaile said removing online access would potentially disenfranchise people from society. Australian copyright provisions allowing ''fair use'' were substantially less forgiving than US laws and threatened consumers here with losing their online access.

''The number of people who could be chucked off like this is quite huge,'' Mr Vaile said.

Almost two-thirds of Australian homes - more than 5 million households - now have broadband access, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The federal government wants to expand this access via the planned $43 billion national broadband network, which aims to connect 90 per cent of Australian homes to a high-speed network of 100 megabits per second. The rest would be connected using wireless and satellite technologies.

The call to safeguard online access is not without precedent. In France and Greece, consumers have a legal right to internet access. In Finland and Estonia, it has been enshrined as a human right. Earlier this year, the BBC commissioned a GlobeScan survey of more than 27,000 people in 26 countries that found 79 per cent of adults regarded online access as a fundamental right.

Internet community activist Brett Solomon, the former head of GetUp! and now executive director of in the US, backed Mr Vaile's call to safeguard online access.

''Access to the internet is both a gateway to other rights and a right unto itself,'' Mr Solomon said, describing it as ''essential to the enjoyment of one's basic human rights''. He said online access was central to freedom of expression. ''Without access … citizens cannot fully participate in modern democracy,'' he said.

Australian Human Rights Commission president Catherine Branson, QC, said the commission had not yet looked at internet access as a human right. But it did recognise internet access may raise issues ''relevant to the right to freedom of expression'' as defined in a United Nations covenant on civil and political rights.

welfare claim process confusing Aussies

Welfare claim process too confusing for many Australians
More than 168,000 people are missing out on parenting, carer and disability payments worth $623 million a year because it is too complicated to claim welfare benefits that many eligible Australians are unaware even exist, the Australia Institute has found.

As the federal government moves to toughen access to the Newstart allowance, requiring new jobseekers to present fortnightly to Centrelink, the Missing Out report found the money the government saved because eligible people did not claim was 1½ times the amount it lost to cheats in 2008.

David Baker, an Australia Institute research fellow, said the government and opposition were ''playing to preconceptions of welfare recipients'' in an election year, but this only added to the stigma that stopped many legitimate recipients from claiming. The executive director of Anglicare, Kasy Chambers, said government assistance was provided for good reason and the system needed to be changed if people were failing to navigate through the bureaucracy.
"That's a mean way for our government to aim to 'save' money,'' she said.

Analysing four Centrelink payments, the report found the biggest reasons for people not claiming entitlements were the complexity of the claims process with long, elaborate forms; stigma; and lack of awareness.

One in five people who qualified for the carer allowance, worth up to $2615 a year, did not claim it, largely because they were not aware it existed.

The Australia Institute calculated that more than 30,000 families were missing out on the parenting payment, or 6 per cent of the 500,000 families eligible. The payment is worth $392 a fortnight for single parents and $165 for couples with young children.

The two-week bereavement allowance, paid to those whose partner had died, was largely unclaimed. Only $2 million was paid in 2007-08, far less than the $19 million the researchers calculated should have been paid if another 7100 people who were eligible had been aware of it.

Centrelink is increasing its data matching to identify overpayments and fraud, but the same methods could also be used to identify people who qualify for payments and were not receiving them, the report said.

It called for the Australian National Audit Office to investigate ways the welfare system could be simplified, as the British government has done through a ''simplification'' unit within its pensions department.

Employment services that the government contracts to place people in work under the Job Services Australia program could also assist people through the application maze.

Ms Chambers said the Henry tax review had also found the benefits system was inconsistent and complicated, and the Australia Institute report was further evidence it should be reformed.

The report found 26 per cent of pensioner and healthcare concession card holders were embarrassed to use the card, and 14 per cent of low-income households said they deliberately did not use their card because of the stigma attached.

''Increasing requirements to attend Centrelink when they have other things to do is likely to have a further negative effect on people claiming the benefits they are entitled to,'' Mr Baker said of the Newstart rule change.

Ms Chambers said the government had fallen silent on social inclusion in an election year.

"That's a mean way for our government to aim to 'save' money,'' she said.

Analysing four Centrelink payments, the report found the biggest reasons for people not claiming entitlements were the complexity of the claims process with long, elaborate forms; stigma; and lack of awareness.

One in five people who qualified for the carer allowance, worth up to $2615 a year, did not claim it, largely because they were not aware it existed.

The Australia Institute calculated that more than 30,000 families were missing out on the parenting payment, or 6 per cent of the 500,000 families eligible. The payment is worth $392 a fortnight for single parents and $165 for couples with young children.

The two-week bereavement allowance, paid to those whose partner had died, was largely unclaimed. Only $2 million was paid in 2007-08, far less than the $19 million the researchers calculated should have been paid if another 7100 people who were eligible had been aware of it.

Centrelink is increasing its data matching to identify overpayments and fraud, but the same methods could also be used to identify people who qualify for payments and were not receiving them, the report said.

It called for the Australian National Audit Office to investigate ways the welfare system could be simplified, as the British government has done through a ''simplification'' unit within its pensions department.

Employment services that the government contracts to place people in work under the Job Services Australia program could also assist people through the application maze.

Ms Chambers said the Henry tax review had also found the benefits system was inconsistent and complicated, and the Australia Institute report was further evidence it should be reformed.

The report found 26 per cent of pensioner and healthcare concession card holders were embarrassed to use the card, and 14 per cent of low-income households said they deliberately did not use their card because of the stigma attached.

''Increasing requirements to attend Centrelink when they have other things to do is likely to have a further negative effect on people claiming the benefits they are entitled to,'' Mr Baker said of the Newstart rule change.

Ms Chambers said the government had fallen silent on social inclusion in an election year.

They eat an apple

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No, drilling, baby

Bernie Sanders | Oil spill shows drilling is not the answer | Comment is free |
The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is an unmitigated disaster. Its full consequences will not be known for decades. What we do know, however, is that BP president, Tony Hayward, was incredibly wrong when he stated that the spill will have "a very, very modest environmental impact". Quite the contrary! In fact, one of the most beautiful and productive coastal regions of the world is being turned into a giant cesspool and, in the midst of a major recession, thousands of workers are going to lose their livelihoods.

It goes without saying that BP must pick up the full costs of the cleanup and the economic damages. BP earned $5.6bn in the first quarter of this year. BP, not the American taxpayer, must pay for the devastation it caused.

Further, we must learn that with any risky technology, whether it is offshore oil drilling or nuclear power, it is not good enough to be 99% safe. One event can have a calamitous and irreversible impact. We need a major investigation to understand how this accident occurred. We must make certain that precautions are put in place so nothing like it ever happens again.

This crisis occurred at a time when the United States was considering opening new areas to offshore oil drilling. If there is a lesson to be learned from this disaster, it is that Congress must end that policy. There must be no new offshore drilling. Not now, not ever.

Offshore drilling simply does not achieve the goals that its advocates claim, and it is not worth the risk. If we are serious about wanting to break our dependence on foreign oil and move to energy independence; if we want to lower the cost of energy; if we want to combat climate change and cut greenhouse gas emissions; if we want to create millions of new jobs – then more offshore drilling is not the way to go.

The simple truth is that we cannot drill our way to energy independence or lower gas prices. The US uses roughly 25% of the world's oil, 7.5bn barrels per year, but we have only 2-3% of the world's proven petroleum reserves. Offshore drilling today provides roughly 1% of the oil we use in the United States.

That is why I have introduced legislation to reinstate a ban on new offshore drilling in the Atlantic and Pacific continental shelves and along Florida's gulf coast and dramatically increase fuel efficiency for vehicles sold in America. Instead of saving three cents a gallon by 2030 by allowing wide open offshore drilling, we can save far more with stronger fuel economy standards. Just by raising our fuel efficiency standards to 35.5 miles per gallon for cars and trucks, as President Obama is doing, we will save consumers the equivalent of $1 per gallon of gas in 2030. If we enacted my legislation, we would reach 55 miles per gallon by 2030. That would save motorists the equivalent of $1.43 a gallon of gas. It also would eliminate the need for 3.9m barrels of oil per day, more than double the amount we now import from Persian Gulf nations such as Saudi Arabia.

We know we can get better fuel economy, because other nations are already doing it. The European Union currently gets 42 miles per gallon and is moving to 65 miles per gallon by 2020. China, Canada, Japan, and South Korea all have stronger fuel economy standards than the United States.

If we take bold action in energy efficiency, public transportation, advanced vehicle technologies, solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal, we can transform our energy system, clean up our environment, and create millions of new jobs in the process. This direction, and not more offshore drilling, is where we have got to go.

Religion and Science

Religion has nothing to do with science – and vice versa | Francisco J. Ayala | Science |
Scientists like Richard Dawkins say the universe has no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, but these things are not the business of science, says geneticist Francisco J. Ayala. They are the exclusive preserve of religion

Pope Benedict XVI and Dawkins

By the same token, religion should not make assertions about the natural world that are contrary to science. Photograph: Max Rossi/Reuters

Are religion and science incompatible?

Some scientists assert that valid knowledge can only come from science. They hold that religious beliefs are the remains of pre-scientific explanations of the world and amount to nothing more than superstition.

On the other side, some people of faith believe that science conveys a materialistic view of the world that denies the existence of any reality outside the material world. Science, they think, is incompatible with their religious faith.

I contend that both – scientists denying religion and believers rejecting science – are wrong. Science and religious beliefs need not be in contradiction. If they are properly understood, they cannot be in contradiction because science and religion concern different matters.

The scope of science is the world of nature: the reality that is observed, directly or indirectly, by our senses. Science advances explanations about the natural world, explanations that are accepted or rejected by observation and experiment.

Outside the world of nature, however, science has no authority, no statements to make, no business whatsoever taking one position or another. Science has nothing decisive to say about values, whether economic, aesthetic or moral; nothing to say about the meaning of life or its purpose.

Science has nothing to say, either, about religious beliefs, except when these beliefs transcend the proper scope of religion and make assertions about the natural world that contradict scientific knowledge. Such statements cannot be true.

People of faith need not be troubled that science is materialistic. The materialism of science asserts its limits, not its universality. The methods and scope of science remain within the world of matter. It cannot make assertions beyond that world.

Science transcends cultural, political and religious beliefs because it has nothing to say about these subjects. That science is not constrained by cultural or religious differences is one of its great virtues. It does not transcend these differences by denying them or taking one position rather than another. It transcends cultural, political and religious convictions because these matters are none of its business.

Some scientists deny that there can be valid knowledge about values or about the meaning and purpose of the world and of human life. The biologist Richard Dawkins explicitly denies design, purpose and values.

In River out of Eden, he writes:

"The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference."

William Provine, a historian of science, asserts that there are no absolute principles of any sort. He believes modern science directly implies that there are no inherent moral or ethical laws, no absolute guiding principles for human society.

There is a monumental contradiction in these assertions. If its commitment to naturalism does not allow science to derive values, meaning or purposes from scientific knowledge, it surely does not allow it, either, to deny their existence.

In its publication Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science, the US National Academy of Sciences emphatically asserts that religion and science answer different questions about the world:

"Whether there is a purpose to the universe or a purpose for human existence are not questions for science."

The academy adds:

"Consequently, many people including many scientists, hold strong religious beliefs and simultaneously accept the occurrence of evolution."

Science as a mode of inquiry into the nature of the universe has been immensely successful and of great technological and economic consequence. The US Office of Management and Budget has estimated that 50% of all economic growth in the US since the second world war can be directly attributed to scientific knowledge and technical advances.

The technology derived from scientific knowledge pervades our lives: the high-rise buildings of our cities, throughways and long-span bridges, rockets that take men and women into outer space, telephones that provide instant communication across continents, computers that perform complex calculations in millionths of a second, vaccines and drugs that keep pathogens at bay, gene therapies that replace DNA in defective cells.

These remarkable achievements bear witness to the validity of the scientific knowledge from which they originated.

People of faith should stand in awe of the wondrous achievements of science. But they should not be troubled that science may deny their religious beliefs.

Nor should people of faith transgress the proper boundaries of religion by making assertions about the natural world that are contrary to scientific knowledge. Religion concerns the meaning and purpose of the world and human life, the proper relation of people to their Creator and to each other, the moral values that inspire and govern their lives.

Science, on the other hand, concerns the processes that account for the natural world: how the planets move, the composition of matter and the atmosphere, the origin and function of organisms.

Religion has nothing definitive to say about these natural processes: nothing about the causes of tsunamis or earthquakes or why volcanic eruptions occur, or why there are droughts that ruin farmers' crops. The explanation of these processes belongs to science. It is a categorical mistake to seek their explanation in religious beliefs or sacred texts.

Science provides an account of how galaxies, stars and planets came about after the big bang. It has discovered how the HIV epidemic originated and how Aids spreads. A person of faith may interpret these events in religious terms, but they are explained by science.

There are people of faith who see the theory of evolution and scientific cosmology as contrary to the creation narrative in Genesis. But Genesis is a book of religious revelations and of religious teachings, not a treatise on astronomy or biology.

According to Augustine, the great theologian of the early Christian church, it is a blunder to mistake the Bible for an elementary textbook of astronomy, geology, or other natural sciences. As he writes in his commentary on Genesis:

"If it happens that the authority of sacred Scripture is set in opposition to clear and certain reasoning, this must mean that the person who interprets Scripture does not understand it correctly."

He adds:

"It is a disgraceful and dangerous thing to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking nonsense on these topics [the Earth, the heavens, the motion and orbit of the stars, the kinds of animals and shrubs]."

Successful as it is, however, a scientific view of the world is hopelessly incomplete. Matters of value and meaning are outside the scope of science.

Even when we have a satisfying scientific understanding of a natural object or process, we are still missing matters that may well be thought by many to be of equal or greater import. Scientific knowledge may enrich aesthetic and moral perceptions and illuminate the significance of life and the world, but these matters are outside the realm of science.

Francisco J. Ayala is a molecular biologist and evolutionary geneticist at the University of California, Irvine, and winner of this year's Templeton Prize

Sunday, May 30, 2010


My parents just came back from Menado, and bought so many things. They seem enjoyed the 4 days trip which is good.
Btw, I was going to give a special food to welcome them but it was disaster. I am such a bad cook. A whole chicken I bought from Carrefour been wasted. It would go to rubbish bin. I am sorry I have wasted food.
So, for this late lunch, it is taken away food from Dapur Bebek.
JAN MOIR: Why do so many male stars have sordid affairs with downmarket imitations of their wives? | Mail Online
What a misogynistic organisation the DM is.

It always criticises women in the public eye (even though their existence generates a lot of readership and therefore money for the paper) about their clothes, their make-up; being too fat, too thin; having too little muscle tone, too much muscle tone; a visible panty line here, or a builder's bum there; not shaving under-arms or legs - mustn't bear too much relationship to a real human being girls, turn yourselves into barbie dolls.

AND now, they have a field day being thoroughly catty and snobbish about the women some men have been unfaithful with. The press cannot lose can it, if its is currency running down women? It doesn't matter to them which woman or women it is - they are all targets to the misogynist.

Gene tests could save your life

I have to remove this article as someone requested me to do so. 

Saturday, May 29, 2010

teeth and heart disease

Health | Mail Online
A study found that those who never or rarely brush their teeth are 70 per cent more likely to suffer heart disease than those who brush twice a day.

The real cost of cheap oil | John Vidal

 | Comment is free | The Guardian
Big Oil is holding its breath. BP's shares are in steep decline after the debacle in the Gulf of Mexico. Barack Obama, the American people and the global environmental community are outraged, and now the company stands to lose the rights to drill for oil in the Arctic and other ecologically sensitive places.

The gulf disaster may cost it a few billion dollars, but so what? When annual profits for a company often run to tens of billions, the cost of laying 5,000 miles of booms, or spraying millions of gallons of dispersants and settling 100,000 court cases is not much more than missing a few months' production. It's awkward, but it can easily be passed on.

The oil industry's image is seriously damaged, but it can pay handsomely to greenwash itself, just as it managed after Exxon Valdez, Brent Spar and the Ken Saro-Wiwa public relations disasters. In a few years' time, this episode will probably be forgotten – just another blip in the fortunes of the industry that fuels the world. But the oil companies are nervous now because the spotlight has been turned on their cavalier attitude to pollution and on the sheer incompetence of an industry that is used to calling the shots.

Big Oil's real horror was not the spillage, which was common enough, but because it happened so close to the US. Millions of barrels of oil are spilled, jettisoned or wasted every year without much attention being paid.

If this accident had occurred in a developing country, say off the west coast of Africa or Indonesia, BP could probably have avoided all publicity and escaped starting a clean-up for many months. It would not have had to employ booms or dispersants, and it could have ignored the health effects on people and the damage done to fishing. It might have eventually been taken to court and could have been fined a few million dollars, but it would probably have appealed and delayed a court decision for a decade or more.

Big Oil is usually a poor country's most powerful industry, and is generally allowed to act like a parallel government. In many countries it simply pays off the judges, the community leaders, the lawmakers and the ministers, and it expects environmentalists and local people to be powerless. Mostly it gets away with it.

By crossing the line between caring and caretaking, you hurt the person you're trying to help by implying they can't handle the truth or learn their lesson. So back off, and place your loved one into God's hands. He loves them even more than you do
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Friday, May 28, 2010

New glasses

Finally I got the glasses as the optometrist prescribed. I bought in an eyewear store in Bandung. I decide to stick with the eye check I did yesterday despite the fact that the optician found my left eye had different measurement that the yesterday's. The new eye test got my left eye with cylinder eyesight at 0,25,and minus 1/4. But I didn't follow that new result. So I have both of my eyes for cylinder 1/4.

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Eyewear Styles

choosing eyeglass frames for your face shape

Tips Memilih Frame Kacamata Yang Cocok Dengan Bentuk Wajah « Serasi Optical

Seperti Cameron Diaz, bentuk wajah ini memiliki pipi yang penuh, garis lengkung bulat (tidak bersudut), dan memiliki ukuran yang sama antara panjang dan lebar wajah. Untuk itu, agar wajah bulat terlihat lebih kurus dan panjang, coba gunakan frame dengan bentuk persegi. Anda juga bisa menggunakan frame yang memiliki sudut geometris untuk menajamkan bentuk wajah anda. Atau pilih bentuk frame yang dapat memusatkan perhatian pada area wajah bagian atas seperti frame dengan temple yang terhubung dengan bagian atas dari bingkai lensa. Pilih bentuk bridge (bagian kacamata yang menyangga pada hidung) yang bening agar dapat melebarkan mata anda. Hindari menggunakan frame bentuk bulat karena membuat wajah anda semakin bundar, dan hindari frame yang terlalu besar karena wajah anda akan terlihat semakin pendek.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cendovital and cendo hyalub

After I visited dentist, I also went to see optometrist. I wanted to check my eye. It's been ages I haven't consulted my eyes. I have cylinder eyesight at 0,25. I have some glasses for that but I rarely use it.
So, I was wondering whether I have new problem with my eyesight. I did an eye test and I still have the same measurement for my cylinder eyesight. And,beside giving me the eye sight prescription, the optometrist also prescribed me a vitamin called cendovital and an eyedrop cendo hyalub. I tried to google these medicine and didn't found any answer for them. Maybe they are just new drugs. When I read the leaflets, they are made locally in my hometown. I assumed the eye hospital here has a connection with the drug makers because of the name used showing so.

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Impacted wisdom tooth

Impacted Wisdom Tooth (Impaksi Molar 3, si gigi bungsu yang bermasalah) « catatan kecil
Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran di internet, Impacted Wisdom Tooth adalah gagalnya gigi molar 3 untuk muncul sepenuhnya pada tempatnya. Kegagalannya mungkin disebabkan oleh tidak cukupnya ruang pada rahang untuk menampung molar 3 tersebut, atau disebabkan angulasi gigi yang salah (kasusku apa ya???). Tipe yang paling sering muncul pada impaksi ini adalah tipe mesial (mesioangular), dimana gigi molar 3 mengarah ke depan (arah depan mulut). Kalau yang ini kasusnya Ayu 4 tahun lalu. Tipe impaksi lainnya berdasarkan frekuensi kemunculan adalah tipe vertikal, horizontal dan distal.




Ada juga dibagi menjadi tipe impaksi “bony” dan “soft tissue”. Yang “bony” giginya ga keluar sama sekali dari gusi, tertanam didalam. Sedangkan yang “soft tissue” sebagian udah keluar, tapi ‘mandeg’ alias ga keluar sempurna.



Gigi yang impaksi bisa saja tidak terasa sakit. Kita bahkan tidak menyadari adanya gigi yang impaksi. Akan tetapi, ketika gigi yang impaksi tersebut mencoba keluar, gusi akan bengkak. Ini yang menyebabkan rasa sakit. Rasa sakit bisa dirasakan disekitar gigi ataupun dirasakan di telinga pada sisi gigi yang impaksi. Partikel makanan dapat tersangkut dekat gusi yang bengkak dan menimbulkan infeksi yang disebut pericoronitis. Jika tidak diobati, maka infeksi dapat menyebar ke tenggorokan ataupun ke dalam leher (yang dikenal di THT sebagai Deep Neck Infection). Gigi yang impaksi bisa mendorong gigi di depannya, menyebabkan perubahan susunan gigi (yang dasarnya udah crowded, makin parah). Walaupun jarang, gigi yang impaksi bisa menimbulkan kista atau pertumbuhan lain pada rahang.

Gejalanya berupa gusi di bagian belakang bengkak, kesulitan membuka mulut (trismus), rasa tidak enak di mulut, sakit ketika membuka mulut, sakit ketika mengunyah atau menggigit dan adanya bau mulut.

Alasan mengapa beberapa molar 3 (gigi bungsu) mengalami impaksi tidak mudah untuk dijawab. Penyebab utamanya karena tidak cukupnya ruang pada rahang di belakang molar 2. Munculnya kekurangan ruang pada rahang tersebut tidak sepenuhnya dipahami. Namun sepertinya ada hubungan antara ukuran gigi yang besar dan crowded dengan kemunculan impaksi molar 3 (tapi ga selalu, buktinya gigi Ayu yang kecil-kecil, molar 3-nya tetap impaksi mesial lho…).

Ada sebuah teori tentang hubungan diet (pola makan) dengan terbentuknya ruang untuk menampung si gigi bungsu ini. Orang zaman dahulu dengan pola makan yang cenderung ‘keras’ dibandingkan dengan orang zaman sekarang dengan pola makan yang ‘lembut’. Makanan yang keras diyakini membantu perkembangan rahang untuk menyediakan ruang bagi molar 3 ketika waktu erupsi-nya tiba.

Pengobatan satu-satunya adalah dengan operasi untuk mengangkat gigi yang impaksi tersebut. Prosedurnya tidak sesederhana seperti mencabut gigi biasa. Dan yang mengerjakannya juga harus seorang spesialis Bedah Mulut. Mungkin dibutuhkan insisi yang cukup besar kalau yang terjadi adalah “bony impaction”, lalu dijahit. Perawatan paska operasi, pasien mungkin akan sedikit merasa ‘tersiksa’ dengan makanan lunak selama beberapa hari (ini ceritanya Ayu hehehehe). Mungkin akan merasa tidak enak makan, tidak enak tidur, apalagi berbicara.

impacted wisdom teeth


What is the Total Number of Teeth in the Mouth? - Studio Dentaire
An adult person who has all his or her adult teeth should have a total of 32 teeth. These include 8 incisor teeth (four upper and four lower), 4 canine teeth (two upper and two lower), 8 premolars (four upper and four lower), and 12 molars (six upper and six lower). The 4 wisdom teeth are among the molars.

A child, who is younger than 6 years old, usually has 20 deciduous teeth. These include 8 primary incisor teeth (four upper and four lower), 4 primary canine teeth (two upper and two lower) and 8 primary molars (four upper and four lower).


I went to see dentist as well as optician this morning. I thought I got toothache because eating too much chocolate. The day before I was eating 200 gr of delfi golden treasure.(I love choco so much).
Therefore, I related my toothache with the choco. Then, the doctor said that the pain happened due to the growing of wisdom teeth.
She just gave me antibiotics and pain killers. I have to go to see her again next week. She asked me to bring the X-ray I did few months ago.

I was reading that wisdom teeth can be entrapped completely within the soft tissue and the jaw bone or only partially breakthrough or erupt through the gum. This wisdom teeth that only partially erupt allows for an opening for bacteria to enter around the tooth and cause an infection, which results in pain, swelling, jaw stiffness, and general illness. I need to ask about in the next appointment. I am afraid they are misaligned.

I feel the dentist was not so good when doing the diagnose. I have visited various dentists 4 times in the last one year, and these different doctors haven't solved the toothache problem.
I got more info from net, instead.

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Toothaching. I'm going to see dentist this morning.
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A SCRAM bracelet

    * The SCRAM bracelet keeps a record of the wearer's alcohol consumption by measuring sweat
    * It measures any sweat molecules containing alcohol and records the data
    * The information is then sent to Alcohol Monitoring Systems - which manufactures the bracelet - and then on to court agencies
    * It's full name is a Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor
    * The device is almost tamper proof, but any attempts to sabotage will be picked up on and the wearer can expect a call from a probation officer and a court hearing

RBA and Bank Indonesia's Scandal

Bank bribery probe widens to Europe and Asia
CORRUPTION investigations have begun in Britain, Indonesia and Malaysia into alleged bribery by the Reserve Bank of Australia's currency printing subsidiaries, as calls grow for the federal government to hold a public inquiry.

Details of the investigations come after the RBA yesterday released a statement saying it ''condemns corrupt behaviour'' and took recent revelations about its subsidiaries' alleged willingness to pay bribes and supply prostitutes to foreign officials ''very seriously''.

Federal backbencher Kelvin Thomson has become the first Labor MP to break the government's year-long silence over the affair, saying a public inquiry may be necessary to remove a ''stain on Australia's reputation''.
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Australian Federal Police commissioner Tony Negus told a Senate committee yesterday that he had 20 investigators in several countries working on the probe into alleged corruption by Securency International, a firm half-owned by the RBA, which exports polymer banknotes.

Securency and its sister company, Note Printing Australia, are under scrutiny for paying more than $US50 million to middlemen in corruption-prone countries after they were awarded note printing and supply contracts by foreign central banks.

Mr Negus said Britain's Serious Fraud Office was involved in the Securency investigation as some of the company's top executives and well-paid middlemen were based in London.

He revealed the Australian Crime Commission had been involved in the case and admitted the AFP ''could have done more'' to act on an initial complaint from a Securency employee in 2008.

The AFP probe did not begin until a year later after The Age exposed concerns about Securency's dealings in Africa and Asia.

Mr Negus was reluctant to answer many questions.

The Age can also confirm anti-corruption authorities in Indonesia and Malaysia are examining deals involving middlemen hired by the RBA firms to win contracts in both countries.

Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission has for at least two years been investigating deals involving Jakarta businessman Radius Christanto - who the RBA firms hired to help win contracts - and the country's central bank, Bank Indonesia, and state-owned currency printer, Perum Peruri.

''We know the core of the case now and preliminary findings show an element of corruption and bribery,'' Indonesian corruption commission spokesman Johan Budi said.

It was reported this week that Securency and NPA agreed to pay Mr Christanto a $US3.65 million commission after he helped win a 1999 contract to print 100,000-rupiah banknotes for Bank Indonesia.

Correspondence from Mr Christanto in 1999 suggests two other men believed to be Indonesian central bank officials were to receive $US1.3 million in bribes from Securency and NPA.

Malaysia's Anti-Corruption Commission is helping the AFP trace what happened to the $4 million Securency paid its Malaysia agent Abdul Kayum Syed Ahmad after winning a 2004 currency printing contract.

AFP agents are to go to Malaysia to work with anti-corruption investigators. Mr Kayum is believed to be closely linked to Malaysia's ruling UMNO political party and government figures.

Mr Thomson yesterday said: ''The AWB oil-for-food scandal put a stain on Australia's international reputation by suggesting Australia was prepared to pay bribes and kickbacks to advance our international business interests. The Securency scandal has regrettably reinforced this impression.

''There needs to be action - either by the AFP or from a public inquiry - to make it clear to the world that we do not regard the payment of bribes, kickbacks or commissions as an acceptable way to promote our exports,'' he said.

Greens leader Bob Brown and independent senator Nick Xenophon have also called for a public inquiry.

Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa: Pentingnya Lucuti Bom Nuklir Bagi Perdamaian

VIVAnews -
Upaya perlucutan senjata nuklir, non-proliferasi dan pemanfaatan energi nuklir untuk tujuan damai merupakan tiga pilar dari Traktat Non-Proliferasi Nuklir (NPT). Bagi Indonesia, tiga pilar itu bersifat mutlak dan tidak bisa ditawar lagi.

Traktat ini merupakan elemen penting rezim global bagi non-proliferasi dan perlucutan senjata nuklir. Oleh karena itu, partisipasi Indonesia dalam Konperensi Kaji Ulang kali ini, dilandasi dan didorong oleh suatu keinginan yang kuat untuk memastikan suksesnya konperensi ini.

Sudah bertahun-tahun hingga saat ini, agenda perlucutan senjata nuklir dunia tidak menunjukkan kemajuan yang berarti. Konperensi Perlucutan Senjata selalu mengalami kebuntuan.

Negara-negara pemilik senjata nuklir harus memenuhi komitmen untuk menjalankan 3 pilar traktat non proliferasi sebagai dasar bagi adanya kesepakatan perpanjangan tanpa batas waktu Traktat Non-Proliferasi pada tahun 1995.

Selain itu, sejumlah negara bukan pemilik senjata nuklir juga tetap harus memenuhi komitmen mereka di dalam NPT. Pendek kata, dimana dunia saat ini masih menghadapi berbagai ancaman dan tantangan baru, ancaman bencana nuklir masih tetap ada.

Kita tidak boleh berdiam diri. Atas berbagai kebuntuan yang terjadi saat ini dan berbagai kesempatan yang terbuang percuma. Kita harus memberikan perhatian pada kemungkinan pencapaian tujuan bersama, daripada hanya mempertahankan posisi masa lampau yang sudah tidak lagi sesuai.

Setelah bertahun-tahun lamanya upaya perlucutan senjata yang kita upayakan bersama tidak bergerak maju, maka pada saat kita melakukan Konperensi Kaji Ulang Traktat Non-Proliferasi ini, kita melihat berbagai perkembangan positif.

Negara-negara nampaknya mulai merasakan arti penting dan urgensi untuk melakukan perlucutan senjata nuklir. Sejumlah langkah awal yang sangat positif telah dilakukan.

Amerika Serikat dan Rusia telah menandatangani Traktat Pengurangan Senjata Strategis yang baru (START). Kami juga melihat adanya berbagai hal positif dalam Kaji Ulang Postur Nuklir yang dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat.

Kami menyambut positif berbagai perkembangan ini dan mengharapkan adanya upaya lebih lanjut untuk memastikan upaya untuk melucuti persenjataan nuklir dapat terlaksana.

Setiap langkah maju, seberapapun kecilnya, kiranya dapat memberikan kita suatu momentum baru bagi upaya untuk mencapai tujuan akhir, yaitu perlucutan senjata nuklir secara menyeluruh.

Indonesia ingin berkontribusi semaksimal mungkin dalam suasana yang positif ini. Indonesia saat ini tengah memulai proses ratifikasi Traktat Komprehensif Pelarangan Pengujian Senjata Nuklir (CTBT).

Kami sangat berharap bahwa komitmen kami pada agenda perlucutan senjata dan non-proliferasi ini dapat mendorong negara-negara lainnya yang belum meratifikasi Traktat tersebut, untuk melakukan hal yang sama.


Maka, ada beberapa garis besar yang perlu saya kemukakan terkait dengan isu perlucutan senjata nuklir ini.

Pertama, seluruh negara-negara pemilik senjata nuklir, harus menunjukkan, secara sungguh-sungguh, bukan hanya dengan kata-kata, komitmen mereka bagi perlucutan senjata nuklir. Dengan demikian, perlucutan senjata nuklir secara menyeluruh dapat diwujudkan, negara-negara pemilik senjata nuklir juga harus memberikan jaminan keamanan untuk tidak menggunakan senjata nuklir terhadap Negara bukan pemilik senjata nuklir.

Apabila semua itu telah dilakukan, barulah keprihatinan atas ancaman dari proliferasi senjata nuklir yang selama ini dikhawatirkan oleh negara-negara tersebut akan dapat diperhatikan secara positif.

Kedua, ancaman proliferasi senjata nuklir, dari manapun asalnya, harus direspon secara sungguh-sungguh dan efektif tanpa diskriminasi dan menggunakan standar ganda. Respon tersebut harus didasari oleh prinsip multilateralisme dan esuai dengan hukum internasional.

Maka, kita harus dapat mendorong Israel untuk bergabung pada Traktat ini. Kita harus mendukung pembentukan kawasan-kawasan bebas senjata nuklir yang baru, khususnya di kawasan Timur Tengah sebagaimana disepakati pada Konperensi Kaji Ulang NPT tahun 1995.

Kita harus mendukung kawasan-kawasan bebas senjata nuklir yang telah ada, seperti Traktat Kawasan Bebas Senjata Nuklir di Asia Tenggara. Sangat sulit dipahami adanya kerjasama energi nuklir yang melibatkan negara-negara yang secara terbuka telah memilih untuk melakukan proliferasi senjata nuklir.

Ketiga, Hak yang melekat bagi seluruh negara Pihak NPT untuk melakukan penelitian, memproduksi dan menggunakan energi nuklir bagi tujuan-tujuan damai, sebagaimana dimuat dalam Pasal IV dari Traktat ini, wajib untuk dihormati.

Dalam hal ini, Badan Energi Atom Internasional (IAEA) harus diperkuat agar mampu menjalankan mandatnya. Seluruh negara berkewajiban untuk selalu bekerjasama dengan Badan energy atom dunia ini.

Dan keempat, kita harus berkerja keras secara bersama untuk menghasilkan suatu konvensi senjata nuklir yang universal dalam tenggat waktu yang jelas guna mewujudkan penghapusan senjata nuklir secara menyeluruh.

Karena hanya dengan penghapusan senjata nuklir secara menyeluruh, kita baru dapat memastikan bahwa senjata tersebut tidak akan pernah digunakan.

Indonesia memiliki keyakinan akan pentingnya melakukan pendekatan yang berimbang, menyeluruh dan non-diskriminatif terhadap ketiga pilar NPT, yaitu perlucutan senjata nuklir, non-proliferasi dan penggunaan energi nuklir bagi tujuan damai. Sangat jelas bahwa tiga pilar ini saling menguatkan.

Oleh sebab itu, merupakan hal yang sangat mendesak bagi seluruh negara untuk mematuhi rejim NPT. Seluruh negara pihak harus berupaya secara bersama untuk membentuk traktat yang bersifat universal. Jika hal tersebut tidak dilakukan, maka traktat ini tidak akan efektif.

Maka, Indonesia menyerukan agar seluruh negara yang belum menjadi pihak pada NPT ini dapat mengaksesi traktat ini sesegera mungkin. Visi dunia tanpa senjata nuklir bukanlah suatu visi yang baru.

Indonesia selalu berpandangan bahwa visi ini absah dan benar-benar merupakan suatu tujuan yang harus dicapai. Kita semua harus mendukung visi ini dan bersama-sama berupaya mencapainya melalui keterlibatan terus menerus dan konstruktif di antara negara-negara nuklir dan non-nuklir.

Negara-negara pemilik senjata nuklir dan bukan pemilik senjata non-nuklir memiliki kewajiban dan tanggung jawab masing-masing, dan semua dari kita harus memiliki kemauan politik untuk melaksanakan kewajiban tersebut.

Marilah kita belajar dari berbagai kekurangan di masa lampau, dan mencoba mencari kesamaan dari berbagai perbedaan yang ada. Marilah kita bekerjasama untuk membangun suasana yang positif. Melalui cara ini, kita akan dapat membangun dunia yang jauh lebih aman bagi generasi saat ini dan generasi yang akan datang.

Artikel ini merupakan intisari pernyataan Menteri Luar Negeri Indonesia, Dr. Marty Natalegawa, pada Sesi Debat Umum Konperensi Traktat Non-Proliferasi Nuklir di Markas Besar PBB di New York, 3 Mei 2010. Pidato ini dipublikasikan oleh Kantor Perwakilan Tetap Republik Indonesia untuk PBB di New York

The Times and The Sunday Times launch new-look, pay-to-view websites

- Times Online
he Times and The Sunday Times revealed their new-look websites yesterday, which from next month will be available only to those willing to pay for them, igniting the debate over how quality journalism will be funded in the future.

Last month the two newspapers announced that they were to begin charging for the online editions of their newspapers. Millions now have free access to From June, users will be offered a week’s subscription for £2, or a day’s access for £1, to two new sites — and

The decision has been controversial. Those reading this article on paper have always been asked to pay, and expect to do so. Many viewing it on a screen have never been asked for money, and don’t expect to start paying now. But as Daniel Finkelstein, the executive editor of The Times, argues: “We know that people will pay for The Times, because they do. This is just about making sure they do so on all our platforms.”

Many arguments have been deployed against the move: information online “wants” to be free; no one will pay for content when decent, free, alternatives lie elsewhere; “paywalls” — when a website blocks access to a page by requiring payment — have not worked before.
Related Links

* Q&A: charging for new websites

* Times and Sunday Times to charge for websites

But in the debate over how to fund the Fourth Estate in the future no serious commentator has suggested that journalism can continue down its present path. One need only look at the United States, where in the past year more than 100 newspapers have shut down.

News Corporation, the parent company of The Times, has said that its other titles, The Sun and The News of the World, will begin charging for their online content later this year. Rebekah Brooks, the company’s chief executive, describes this as a “defining moment for journalism”.

James Murdoch, the chairman and chief executive of News Corporation Europe, put the debate in its historical context last week. He said that as far back as the 1710 Statute of Anne, which enshrined copyright, the rights of the author and creator have been recognised and protected.

“We are one of the largest employers of journalists and editors, and maintain an incomparable range of foreign correspondents, contributors and bureaux in all sorts of places,” Mr Murdoch said.

“We attach a fair value and a fair price to the journalism we produce. What is so controversial about that?”

Roy Greenslade, the veteran media commentator, wrote recently: “All eyes, here and across the world, will be on the great paywall experiment. It’s going to be a fascinating couple of months once the Wapping papers start to charge.”

In the late Nineties, the press committed its Original Sin. When newspapers launched their fledgling websites, they decided not to charge people to view them. Few could have imagined how the internet would change their industry. In that era, newspaper websites were a small operation that could easily be paid for through advertising on the sites. Even if these digital newspapers wanted to charge, they probably could not. The mechanisms and infrastructure required to take payments from people online either did not exist or were unwieldy.

Many feared, as they do today, that their growing online readership would cannibalise its print editions. At various stages in the past 15 years, The Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The Daily Mail and The Daily Telegraph have all experimented — mostly unsuccessfully — with charging online readers or making their users register to view their websites.

Largely, each paper has followed the same strategy — keep websites free, get the largest possible audience for them and make money through advertising sold alongside the articles. But can website advertising alone be enough to make up for the steady decline of newspaper sales? Alan Rusbridger, Editor of The Guardian, has said that increased digital advertising revenues should be able to fund content online. The evidence from Times Online, and many others in the industry, is that this is not the case.

For the foreseeable future, The Times will face a formidable “free” alternative in the BBC’s website. But the corporation’s journalism is paid for by the public who pay a licence fee of £145.50 a year. It is now for the unsubsidised press to find ways to fund its work.

Other newspapers have toyed with digital subscriptions with varying degrees of success. Both The Wall Street Journal, owned by News Corporation, and the Financial Times charge for their online editions and make a healthy profit from them. Both feature a “hybrid” model for their websites, where some of the content is free, but some is available only to paying subscribers.

Sceptics point out that both are financial newspapers, featuring “specialist” news that a business-minded audience will find valuable. Also, a significant proportion of their online subscribers put website charges on their company’s expense accounts. This, it is argued, would be harder to justify for a “general interest” newspaper such as The Times.

The Times’s digital team is optimistic that the public will find its new website compelling enough to pay for. Executives have admitted that many people may go elsewhere for news, opinion and features — but that research has shown that many will consider paying to access the Times website.

In the meantime, the public have become increasingly willing to spend money online. Figures from the BPI, the music industry group, show that singles and albums downloaded from iTunes, Apple’s digital music store, accounted for a third of all music bought last year.

This boom in web spending is replicated across the economy. Figures from IMRG, the British e-retail group, show that the online retail market in Britain is worth £50 billion.

Many also believe that the mindset of the journalism industry has now changed. “It’s perfectly possible that no one will follow the lead of The Times,” said Douglas McCabe, from Enders Analysis. “But it’s absurd to think no other paper will consider following it.”

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

Brazil’s flamboyant President strives to make his country a global player | The Times
He is one of the world’s most popular leaders, rising from rags to riches. He has brought lost respect back to his country and is currently going about the task of forging Middle East peace and resolving the crisis over Iran’s nuclear programme.

Not Barack Obama, the winner of last year’s Nobel Prize, but another pretender to the trophy, Brazil’s flamboyant President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who last week claimed to have achieved an agreement with Tehran to send low-enriched uranium to Turkey in return for fuel rods for a research reactor.

“People say that it was none of Brazil’s business to be an intermediary with Iran,” Mr Lula said, hitting out at criticism of his intervention. “But who said it was a matter for the United States?” That is a slogan Mr Lula would be happy to apply to any international crisis as he attempts to forge his new role as global statesman and mediator in the world’s most intractable troublespots.

Mr Lula’s Iranian deal may have fallen apart within 24 hours with news of an American-brokered sanctions deal. But as the months tick down to the end of his last term, there is no sign of let-up in his attempt to make Brazil a global player — or to challenge the established order of Western supremacy.

In the official group photo for the G20 meeting in September, Mr Lula was on Obama’s right hand, with Chinese President Hu Jintao on his left. In the row behind was Gordon Brown. A symbolic line-up of the new world order — at least as Mr Lula would like to see it.

“My man, love this guy,” President Obama gushed, clasping Mr Lula by the hand at the earlier G20 summit in London. “The most popular politician on Earth.”

And he may well be. Eight years after coming to power, Mr Lula still enjoys a 76 per cent approval rating — Brazil’s most popular President yet.

Upper-class Brazilians may sneer at his rough Portuguese and brusque manners. Poor Brazilians adore him: his Government’s Bolsa Família — or income support fund — has helped take 30 million out of poverty. After years of steady financial management and economic growth, 50 per cent of Brazilians are now middle class.

Brazil’s self confidence reached a high point in September, when Mr Lula’s impassioned, off-the-cuff speech helped clinch the 2016 Olympics for Rio de Janeiro. It hasn’t dipped since. Now Mr Lula is leading the drive to win Brazil a place on the UN Security Council — all before his term expires in October.

Whether Brazil’s new fortunes can outlive Mr Lula remains to be seen. Many put its successes down to the President’s personal charm. “He’s at ease meeting people, he’s been doing it all his life, and that’s what makes him such a good negotiator,” says one journalist who has met the leader a number of times. “He tells you what you want to hear.”

Not everybody, perhaps. On Gordon Brown’s visit to Brazil last year, Mr Lula took aim at his economic record, declaring: “The crisis was caused by the irrational behaviour of white folks with blue eyes.” It was a comment reminscent of the other big Latin American player, Hugo Chávez, whose friendship is one of the darker spots on Mr Lula’s international reputation.

Mr Lula is happy to offend when the targets are members of the traditional power structures he seeks to dismantle. He is less sanguine, though, when the barbs are aimed at him.

In 2004, when the New York Times correspondent Larry Rohter wrote about concern over his drinking habits, Mr Lula tried to have him expelled. In 2009 he was lambasted for supporting the former President José Sarney through a blizzard of devastating corruption allegations to hold on to his support for his coalition government. “In Brazil, Christ would have to ally himself with Judas,” Mr Lula said afterwards.

Mara Gabrilli, an opposition politician who has had dealings with Mr Lula, said: “He is a very charismatic person, but with me he was not trustworthy. He is on honeymoon with himself.”

Vitamin-vitamin yang Dikonsumsi Sebelum dan Sesudah Makan

detikHealth :
Beberapa vitamin dan suplemen dianjurkan untuk diminum sebelum makan, tapi ada juga yang disarankan dikonsumsi setelah makan. Ini karena vitamin dan suplemen dapat berinteraksi satu sama lain dengan obat-obatan dan bahkan jenis makanan tertentu.

Tapi sebagian besar vitamin mungkin tidak masalah dikonsumsi sebelum atau sesudah makan.

Seperti dilansir dari dan Truestarhealth, Selasa (25/5/2010), beberapa vitamin dan suplemen ternyata dapat memicu keracunan bila dikonsumsi berbarengan dengan jenis makanan tertentu, dan juga sebaliknya dapat membahayakan lambung bila diminum dalam keadaan perut kosong.

Vitamin dan suplemen yang sebaiknya dikonsumsi sesudah makan adalah:

1. Suplemen asam klorida

Suplemen asam klorida bekerja dengan baik ketika dikonsumsi di awal makan. Suplemen asam klorida sering digunakan oleh orang yang mengalami kesulitan menghasilkan cukup asam klorida dalam perut ketika makan. Bila suplemen asam klorida dikonsumsi saat perut kosong tanpa menambah makanan untuk dicerna, maka ini dapat menyebabkan rasa panas di perut.

2. Vitamin B kompleks

Vitamin B kompleks sering menyebabkan mual ringan. Hal ini dapat dihindari dengan mengonsumsi vitamin B kompleks dengan makanan ringan. Tapi jangan makan makanan berminyak bila Anda akan mengonsumsi vitamin B kompleks, karena akan mengganggu penyerapan.

3. Vitamin A, D, dan K

Vitamin A, D, dan K adalah vitamin yang larut dalam lemak. Vitamin ini memerlukan lemak, baik hewani maupun nabati untuk dapat mengoptimalkan penyerapannya dalam tubuh. Vitamin ini baik dikonsumsi dengan makanan dan sesudah makan.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C memang tidak memerlukan lemak untuk melarutkannya dalam tubuh. Tapi sebagian besar vitamin C bersifat asam, maka sebaiknya dikonsumsi sesudah makan untuk menghindari iritasi pada lambung, terutama pada penderita maag.

5. Suplemen seng

Mengonsumsi terlalu banyak seng sekaligus dapat menyebabkan kram perut dan mual. Untuk mengurangi efek ini, sebaiknya suplemen seng dikonsumsi sesudah makan.

Sedangkan vitamin dan suplemen yang bisa dikonsumsi saat perut kosong atau sebelum makan adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Zat besi

Suplemen zat besi harus dikonsumsi saat perut dalam keadaan kosong alias sebelum makan, agar dapat diserap oleh tubuh dengan lebih baik. Untuk dosis kecil memang tidak masalah mengonsumsinya setelah makan, tapi bila suplemen zat besi diperuntukkan bagi penderita anemia, maka harus dikonsumsi sebelum makan dan terpisah dengan suplemen lain, terutama kalsium dan vitamin E.

2. Vitamin B12 dan asam folat

Pengecualian dari vitamin B kompleks yang dikonsumsi bersamaan atau sesudah makan, vitamin B12 dan asam folat harus dikonsumsi dalam keadaan perut kosong.

3. Enzim proteolitik

Enzim proteolitik seperti bromelain dapat bekerja paling baik pada waktu perut kosong. Enzim yang mencerna protein ini sering digunakan dalam jumlah besar untuk membantu mengurangi peradangan.

Jika dikonsumsi sesudah makan, maka beberapa zat dari enzim ini mungkin hanya akan berakhir menjadi enzim pencernaan.

4. Bioflavonoid dan fitokimia

Banyak bioflavonoid dan fitokimia yang baik diserap pada waktu perut kosong. Bioflavonoid dan fitokimia memiliki beberapa keuntungan terapi, dan mengonsumsi dalam keadaan perut kosong akan memberikan manfaat maksimal. Dua contohnya adalah kuersetin dan vinpocetine.

5. Probiotik

Probiotik seperti lactobacillus acidophilus dan bifidus terbaik dikonsumsi pada waktu perut kosong, saat bangun atau sebelum tidur. Suplemen ini penting untuk sistem pencernaan yang sehat, dan berguna untuk mengobati candida, dan perawatan flora usus setelah minum antibiotik.

6. Makanan hijau

Makanan hijau biasanya yang terbaik dikonsumsi pada waktu perut kosong untuk mengambil manfaat pentingnya, yaitu efek antioksidan dan nutrisi.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Number of women over 40 giving birth trebles in past two decades | Mail Online
he number of births to older mothers has almost trebled in 20 years and continues to rise, figures showed today.

In 2009, there were 26,976 live births to women aged 40 and over, almost treble the 9,336 in 1989 and almost double the 14,252 in 1999.

Among those aged 35 to 39, there were 114,288 births in 2009, a rise of 41per cent on the 81,281 in 1999.

The data, for England and Wales, was published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

It showed a 0.3 per cent drop in the overall number of live births, from 708,711 in 2008 to 706,248 in 2009 - the first yearly drop since 2001.

Compared with 2008, the birth rate for women aged under 35 has fallen, the data showed.

Among those aged under 20, there was a 2.3 per cent drop, from 26 live births per 1,000 women in 2008 to 25.4 in 2009.

Rates for women aged 20 to 24 and 25 to 29 fell by 1.6 per cent and 1.4 per cent respectively, while for women aged 30 to 34 there was a 0.4 per cent decline.

But rates for women aged 35 to 39 and 40 to 44 continued to rise in 2009, by 1.2 per cent and 2.4 per cent respectively.

These changes mean the typical age at which a woman becomes a mother for the first time has risen to 29.4 in 2009, compared with 29.3 in 2008 and 28.4 in 1999.
In 2009, women had an average of 1.95 children each, down from 1.97 children in 2008.

It's been three days without him, no communication at all. I just ignore him. I hate him

Sent from my BlackBerry®powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Monday, May 24, 2010

Do u believe these?

Do you experience this?just want to know how far these are working.

"@RickWarren: Much prayer=much power. Little prayer=little power. No prayer=no power."
Sent from my BlackBerry®powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
From a daily devotion circulated to my email

"I'm a hypocrite - miserable, defeated, frustrated. I've lived a lie and worn a mask all my life, never wanting to reveal my true self. But I need help. I'm seriously thinking of committing suicide. I just can't live the Christian life, no matter how hard I try."

Sent from my BlackBerry®powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Reserve Bank in link to graft

US, Brazil, Iran

Why the U.S. Should Welcome the Nuclear Deal with Iran | Stephen M. Walt
Well, speaking of Turkey, what do I make of the surprise nuclear deal between Turkey, Brazil and Iran, which was announced as I was packing up to leave Istanbul? The deal was proclaimed with great fanfare in Tehran, and it basically resurrects an earlier arrangement by which Iran agreed to give up a large part of its low-enriched uranium (LEU) stockpile in exchange for a much smaller quantity of more highly enriched (~20 percent) uranium (for use in a research reactor that produces medical isotopes).

The first thing to note is that we've seen this movie before (or at least, we've seen something rather like it), and it remains to be seen whether any uranium will actually change hands. It's possible that the whole thing is just a subterfuge designed to ward off stricter economic sanctions, and that eventually one of the signatories (most likely Iran) will find a way to wiggle out of the deal.

But it is also possible that this is a first step towards a diplomatic resolution of the whole Iranian nuclear problem (albeit a rather small step). The crux of that issue isn't Iran's stockpile of LEU or its desire for fuel for its research reactor; the dispute is over whether Iran is ever going to be permitted to have its own indigenous enrichment capability at all. And this deal says nothing about that question; the best that can be said for it is that it might -- repeat might -- open the door to a more fruitful diplomatic process.

Here's why I think the United States should welcome the deal. The only feasible way out of the current box is via diplomacy, because military force won't solve the problem for very long, could provoke a major Middle East war, and is more likely to strengthen the clerical regime and make the United States look like a bully with an inexhaustible appetite for attacking Muslim countries. (And having Israel try to do the job wouldn't help, because we'd be blamed for it anyway). I think George Bush figured that out before he left office, and I think President Obama knows it too. So do sensible Israelis, though not the perennial hawks at the Wall Street Journal's editorial page, who appear to have learned nothing from their shameful role cheerleading the debacle in Iraq back in 2002.

Furthermore, the only way to get a diplomatic deal is for the United States and its allies to find some way to climb down from the non-negotiable demand that Iran give up control of the full nuclear fuel cycle (i.e., its indigenous enrichment capacity). This is a prestige goal for the Iranian government and it enjoys wide support among the Iranian population, including most leaders of the opposition. Instead, the goal ought to be to encourage Iran not to develop nuclear weapons, and the best way to do that is to take the threat of military force off the table and negotiate a deal whereby Iran signs and fully implements the Additional Protocol of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Given the parlous state of Iran's relations with the West, however, that's not likely to happen any time soon. And the more that the WSJ and other sound the tocsin for war, the more likely Iran is to conclude that the only way to be safe is to have a genuine deterrent of their own. So the Turkish-Brazilian initiative could be a welcome opportunity to get a diplomatic process started, although as noted above, it is only a small first step.

The key point to bear in mind is that the latest deal is essentially meaningless unless outside powers (e.g., Russia, France, or the United States) buy into it. Why? Because Turkey or Brazil can't fulfill the terms of the deal (i.e., they can't provide the reactor fuel that Iran needs). And that means that one of the parties to the earlier deal that fell apart last fall will have to go along.

Hardliner worry that the deal is a disaster because it will undermine support for stronger economic sanctions. It might, but who cares? Sanctions weren't going to change Iran's mind either. And states that are now worried about a double-dip recession are not going to be eager to impose sanctions that might involve real costs. (And no, that's not an argument for launching a preventive war either, because the last thing a fragile world economy needs right now is a war in the Persian Gulf and the soaring oil prices that this would entail).

So what should the United States do? It should welcome the deal in principle, while making it clear that it will monitor implementation carefully and emphasizing that this particular agreement does not resolve the larger question of Iran's nuclear ambitions. Rejecting the deal would do nothing to advance broader U.S. objectives and would be an unnecessary slap in the face of Turkey and Brazil. Trying to scotch the deal would also allows Iran to blame Washington should the deal fall through, and it will only reinforce Iranian assertions that U.S. leaders are lying when they say they would like to improve relations.

But if the United States welcomes the deal and it then falls apart, Iran won't be able to blame us for the failure and third parties will see the United States as reasonable and Iran as intransigent. Indeed, if we greet it favorably and Iran eventually backs out (as it did last fall), our position with Istanbul and Brasilia will be enhanced and Iran's is likely to suffer, because both President Lula da Silva and Prime Minister Erdogan won't appreciate having been taken for a ride. So to the extent that we are worried about an emerging Istanbul-Teheran-Brasilia axis (and we shouldn't be), the smart play is not to criticize the deal at this stage and to thank them for their efforts. (From what I've been able to tell, that's more-or-less the line the Obama administration appears to be taking).

I might add that this announcement reinforces some of the observations I made in my earlier post about Turkey's new foreign policy. Moreover, Stephen Kinzer reports that Turkey played a pretty hard-nosed role in the negotiations, and apparently convinced Iran to make important concessions. Instead of being miffed, we ought to see this as a sign that Turkey can be a useful intermediary in some difficult situations, and we ought to be looking for ways to work with Istanbul instead of feeling threatened or slighted.

One last point: It would also be desirable if the various parties didn't try to use the deal to make domestic brownie points or settle other scores (I know, that's asking a lot of most politicians). U.S. officials should avoid giving the impression that they are upset because progress was made without their being in the room. Similarly, if the deal goes south in the months ahead, we should resist the temptation to say "told you so" in public (though we might want to do so in private). Similarly, Turkish and Brazilian leaders would be wise not to crow too much about the achievement, or to boast about how they have succeeded where others have failed. It's hard for democratic leaders to resist such temptations, but Harry S. Truman was right when he said it was amazing what one could accomplish if you didn't mind who gets the credit.


Feeling unwell.need to keep up with so many things
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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Google and Pacman

When I logged on my Laptop this morning, I saw Pacman at the top of the Google page. I thought it
was a virus. Google homepage is always simple. So, it's normal when I had such thought.
Actually, it was not virus, it is from google. But now, the pacman is gone:(

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Tips menghadapi Polisi yang akan menilang

masyarakat perlu mewaspadai aksi-aksi polisi gadungan.Kapolwiltabes Bandung Komisaris Besar Imam Budi Supeno, memberi beberapa tips bagi warga agar terhindar jadi korban polisi gadungan: - Ketika dicegat polisi karena sebuah kesalahan, beranikan diri untuk menanyakan identitas polisi yang melakukannya. Paling mudah ialah Kartu Tanda Anggota. Walau Anda salah, tidak perlu takut untuk menanyakannya. Apalagi jika tidak merasa bersaah -Jika Anda dicegat dengan alasan melanggar, tanyakan kesalahan Anda. Jika memang salah, jangan beri peluang mengambil jalan tengah. Ikuti aturan saja dengan menerima surat tilang. Peluang jalan tengah adalah yang diinginkan polgad untuk memuluskan aksinya. -Jangan mau menyerahkan kendaraan Anda dengan alasan penyitaan. Kalau memang harus disita, maka Anda harus bersikukuh untuk mengemudikan kendaraan Anda -Jangan juga meminjamkan handphone Anda kepada "polisi" dengan alasan apapun. Dengan hp berada di tangan Anda, maka Anda bisa sesegera mungkin melaporkan kejadian penipuan polgad kepada polisi asli -Curigai jika polisi yang mencegat memakai jaket sehingga baju dalamnya tertutup. -Jika memang menjadi korban, segera hubungi patroli Quick Respon yang terdekat di lokasi. Bisa juga sms ke call centre Polwiltabes Bandung dengan nomor 9123 -Perhatikan dan ingat-ingat ciri-ciri pelaku, kendaraan yang digunakan, arah kabur, juga kendaraan Anda jika dibawa kabur pelaku.(Satrya Graha/"PR")*** Sent from my BlackBerry®powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Telkomsel CS is dumb and rude

Hey Telkomsel,
It is annoying to communicate with your 116 CS (customer service) who is dumb and don't know the manner.

I just called 116 and served by a guy with an initial Adxxxxx. This guy is dumb and rude. I made a 116 call because I have been disturbed by the sms which I never subscribe, but it keep coming to my inbox. I want the number which has been used to deliver junk sms to my inbox, TO BE BLOCKED! I was wondering how Telkomsel protect the customer's privacy . How come a third party can send messages without my consent.

When I made this complain, the guy from 116 was ouraged. He should not be like that. I am a customer whose privacy rights been abused. That guy from 116 should be able to explain the matter politely, and he should not make accusation without valid ground, without facts. This sucks. I am whom has been disadvantaged by those junk sms, but this guy kept arguing that I made a wrong complaint. Finally I was just fed up with his service. Was wondering how come such person can be recruited.
Because I didn't want to argue more, I just said good nite and finished the call. I am so annoyed.
I expected to get help, instead I got a rude CS.

Telkomsel, you should train your CS to serve customer in a good manner. Also, u should ban all the third party member sending ads, crappy sms, without customer consent.

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I feel tired and lazy this Sunday. The weather is so dull make feel kind of blue. Dark dark dark
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water and apple

Stay regular with water and apples to avoid the King's fate | Mail Online
his month, Elvis Presley’s personal physician Dr Nick George Nichopoulos revealed the singer did not die from a heart attack, as was once believed, but of chronic constipation.

But for most sufferers this common condition is easily treated.

Here DR ELLIE CANNON explains what we need to know about staying regular.

Q: Can you really die of constipation?

A: Strictly speaking, no. Elvis’s doctor implied he suffered with an unusual condition caused by chronic constipation. With megacolon, the bowel expands so much it can lead to internal inflammation and septicaemia (blood poisoning). It is possible this is how Elvis, pictured, died.

Q: How regular is healthy?

A: Everyone is different. It is normal for some people to go three times a day, while others can be as infrequent as twice a week. Constipation is when you go less often than your personal rhythm and when the motions are hard and difficult to pass.

Q: What are the causes of constipation?

A: Dietary factors, such as not eating enough fibre and drinking too little water. Others include medicines – codeine-based pills, iron tablets and some antidepressants – and medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and an underactive thyroid.

Q: When is constipation a worry?

A: Any sustained change of bowel habit should be discussed with your doctor, especially if you are passing blood or Experiencing pain or sickness.

Q: Can it indicate something more serious?

A: Constipation can be the sign of something sinister blocking the bowel – colorectal cancer, for example – and it is also associated with spinal cord problems, both uncommon reasons for constipation.

Q: Should I take laxatives?

A: No, try natural methods first. Increase fluids, eat more fibre and exercise.

Q: What about prunes – are they really a good cure?

A: Prunes contain sorbitol, a natural sugar that works as a laxative, drawing water into the stool making it softer to pass. Plums, peaches, apples and apricots are also effective.

Q: When should I go to the doctor?

A: If your own natural remedies are not working, or you are experiencing pain or sickness.

Q: What will he do?

A: He can prescribe strong laxatives to ease constipation and investigate the underlying cause and say if further tests are needed.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cheer up!

Beckhams' dog gets pink toenails... no wonder she looks so grumpy | Mail Online

Cheer up! David Beckham's pet dog Coco sported bright pink nails as she was walked by an assistant in LA

pot belly = smaller brain ??

Pot bellies linked to Alzheimer's and dementia | Mail Online
Having a 'pot belly' in middle age raises the risk of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia in later life, warn researchers.

A new study shows people with large stomachs by the time they reach their 50s are significantly more likely to have smaller brains.

Those with the biggest girths had a lower total area of brain tissue than those who kept a waistline, giving them a greater chance of developing dementia.

U.S. scientists measured abdominal obesity in 733 people aged 60 on average and compared them to brain volume on CT scans.

Those with the highest amount of waistline fat had smaller brains than those with the lowest amount.

'Our data suggests a stronger connection between central obesity . . . and risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease,' said Sudha Seshadri, from Boston University School of Medicine, leader of the study published in the journal Annals of Neurology.

Dr Susanne Sorensen, of the Alzheimer's Society, said 'We have all heard a beer belly can be bad for our heart but this study suggests excess abdominal weight could also increase your risk of getting dementia.'

Abdominal fat is recognised as the most dangerous, hidden type of fat, which is more dangerous than fat on the hips.

This additional fat is packed around the organs in the abdomen and is more 'metabolically active', releasing more of the acids that raise heart disease risk, along with factors that increase blood pressure and blood sugar.

Other research has already linked obesity to vascular diseases which play a role in dementia, partly through hardening of the arteries.

The study published today does not detail the healthiest level of waist circumference.

But today, as a rough guide, doctors recommend men have a girth no bigger than 40 inches and women should stick around 35 inches.


* Water on the brain: Grey matter literally shrinks without hydration

Study leader Sudha Seshadri, from Boston University School of Medicine, said it was a disturbing finding given that millions suffer from dementia.

Dr Seshadri said the results confirmed that increasing obesity was linked with lower brain volumes in older and younger, middle-aged adults.

'More importantly our data suggests a stronger connection between central obesity, particularly the visceral fat component of abdominal obesity, and risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease' added Dr Seshadri.

Previous research involving autopsies have shown that changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease may start in young to middle adulthood, and another study showed that high abdominal fat in elderly adults was tied to greater brain atrophy.

Experts believe the dangerous effects of abdominal obesity on the brain may start long before the signs of dementia appear.

Large midlife bellies have already been shown to raise the risk of diabetes, stroke and coronary heart disease.

Money and God

I just coppy the passage below frow AACTV daily devotion.

He will actually trust you with more money when you demonstrate that your trust is not in your money, but in Him alone. (1 Timothy 6:17) The Bible teaches three things about money:(1) When you become a good steward of what you have, God will entrust you with more. '... Then he sent for the servants to whom he had given the money, in order to find out what they had gained with it. The first one came and said, '... Sir, your mina has earned ten more.' 'Well done, my good servant!... ' his master replied. '... Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.'' (Luke 19:15-17 NIV)(2) When your focus is on serving others, God will entrust you with more. When Job took the focus off himself and began to pray for others, '... The Lord... gave him twice as much as he had before.' (Job 42:10 NIV)(3) When you can walk away from material things to do God's will, God will entrust you with more. Abraham left the security of his home to fulfil God's plan, and he ended up one of the world's wealthiest men. On the other hand, the rich young ruler said 'no' to following Christ because the cost was too high. (See Mark 10:17-22.) You ask, 'What was the cost?' Everything
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Friday, May 21, 2010

Ayn Rand : I like reading her book

St. Petersburg in revolt gave us Vladimir Nabokov, Isaiah Berlin and
Ayn Rand. The first was a novelist, the second a philosopher. The
third was neither but thought she was both. Many other people have
thought so too. In 1998 readers responding to a Modern Library poll
identified Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead as the two greatest
novels of the twentieth century—surpassing Ulysses, To the Lighthouse
and Invisible Man. In 1991 a survey by the Library of Congress and the
Book-of-the-Month Club found that with the exception of the Bible, no
book has influenced more American readers than Atlas Shrugged.

Thomas Hobbes sensed the revolutionary impulses of early modern Europe
and transformed them into a defense of the most hidebound form of
One of those readers might well have been Farrah Fawcett. Not long
before she died, the actress called Rand a "literary genius" whose
refusal to make her art "like everyone else's" inspired Fawcett's
experiments in painting and sculpture. The admiration, it seems, was
mutual. Rand watched Charlie's Angels each week and, according to
Fawcett, "saw something" in the show "that the critics didn't."

She described the show as a "triumph of concept and casting." Ayn
said that while Angels was uniquely American, it was also the
exception to American television in that it was the only show to
capture true "romanticism"—it intentionally depicted the world not as
it was, but as it should be. Aaron Spelling was probably the only
other person to see Angels that way, although he referred to it as
"comfort television."

So taken was Rand with Fawcett that she hoped the actress (or if not
her, Raquel Welch) would play the part of Dagny Taggart in a TV
version of Atlas Shrugged on NBC. Unfortunately, network head Fred
Silverman killed the project in 1978. "I'll always think of 'Dagny
Taggart' as the best role I was supposed to play but never did,"
Fawcett said.

Rand's following in Hollywood has always been strong. Barbara Stanwyck
and Veronica Lake fought to play the part of Dominique Francon in the
movie version of The Fountainhead. Never to be outdone in that
department, Joan Crawford threw a dinner party for Rand in which she
dressed as Francon, wearing a streaming white gown dotted with
aquamarine gemstones. More recently, the author of The Virtue of
Selfishness and the statement "if civilization is to survive, it is
the altruist morality that men have to reject" has found an unlikely
pair of fans in the Hollywood humanitarian set. Rand "has a very
interesting philosophy," says Angelina Jolie. "You re-evaluate your
own life and what's important to you." The Fountainhead "is so dense
and complex," marvels Brad Pitt, "it would have to be a six-hour
movie." (The 1949 film version has a running time of 113 minutes, and
it feels long.) Christina Ricci claims that The Fountainhead is her
favorite book because it taught her that "you're not a bad person if
you don't love everyone." Rob Lowe boasts that Atlas Shrugged is "a
stupendous achievement, and I just adore it." And any boyfriend of Eva
Mendes, the actress says, "has to be an Ayn Rand fan."

But Rand, at least according to her fiction, shouldn't have attracted
any fans at all. The central plot device of her novels is the conflict
between the creative individual and the hostile mass. The greater the
individual's achievement, the greater the mass's resistance. As Howard
Roark, The Fountainhead's architect hero, puts it:

The great creators—the thinkers, the artists, the scientists, the
inventors—stood alone against the men of their time. Every great new
thought was opposed. Every great new invention was denounced. The
first motor was considered foolish. The airplane was considered
impossible. The power loom was considered vicious. Anesthesia was
considered sinful. But the men of unborrowed vision went ahead. They
fought, they suffered and they paid.

Rand clearly thought of herself as one of these creators. In an
interview with Mike Wallace she declared herself "the most creative
thinker alive." That was in 1957, when Arendt, Quine, Sartre, Camus,
Lukács, Adorno, Murdoch, Heidegger, Beauvoir, Rawls, Anscombe and
Popper were all at work. It was also the year of the first performance
of Endgame and the publication of Pnin, Doctor Zhivago and The Cat in
the Hat. Two years later, Rand told Wallace that "the only philosopher
who ever influenced me" was Aristotle. Otherwise, everything came "out
of my own mind." She boasted to her friends and to her publisher at
Random House, Bennet Cerf, that she was "challenging the cultural
tradition of two and a half thousand years." She saw herself as she
saw Roark, who said, "I inherit nothing. I stand at the end of no
tradition. I may, perhaps, stand at the beginning of one." But tens of
thousands of fans were already standing with her. In 1945, just two
years after its publication, The Fountainhead sold 100,000 copies. In
1957, the year Atlas Shrugged was published, it sat on the New York
Times bestseller list for twenty-one weeks.

Rand may have been uneasy about the challenge her popularity posed to
her worldview, for she spent much of her later life spinning tales
about the chilly response she and her work had received. She falsely
claimed that twelve publishers rejected The Fountainhead before it
found a home. She styled herself the victim of a terrible but
necessary isolation, claiming that "all achievement and progress has
been accomplished, not just by men of ability and certainly not by
groups of men, but by a struggle between man and mob." But how many
lonely writers emerge from their study, having just written "The End"
on the last page of their novel, to be greeted by a chorus of
congratulations from a waiting circle of fans?

Had she been a more careful reader of her work, Rand might have seen
this irony coming. However much she liked to pit the genius against
the mass, her fiction always betrayed a secret communion between the
two. Each of her two most famous novels gives its estranged hero an
opportunity to defend himself in a lengthy speech before the untutored
and the unlettered. Roark declaims before a jury of "the hardest
faces" that includes "a truck driver, a bricklayer, an electrician, a
gardener and three factory workers." John Galt takes to the airwaves
in Atlas Shrugged, addressing millions of listeners for hours on end.
In each instance, the hero is understood, his genius acclaimed, his
alienation resolved. And that's because, as Galt explains, there are
"no conflicts of interest among rational men"—which is just a Randian
way of saying that every story has a happy ending.

The chief conflict in Rand's novels, then, is not between the
individual and the masses. It is between the demigod-creator and all
those unproductive elements of society—the intellectuals, bureaucrats
and middlemen—that stand between him and the masses. Aesthetically,
this makes for kitsch; politically, it bends toward fascism.
Admittedly, the argument that there is a connection between fascism
and kitsch has taken a beating over the years. Yet surely the example
of Rand—and the publication of two new Rand biographies, Anne Heller's
Ayn Rand and the World She Made and Jennifer Burns's Goddess of the
Marketщ۬is suggestive enough to put the question of that connection
back on the table.

She was born on February 2, three weeks after the failed revolution of
1905. Her parents were Jewish. They lived in St. Petersburg, a city
long governed by hatred of the Jews. By 1914 its register of
anti-Semitic restrictions ran to nearly 1,000 pages, including one
statute limiting Jews to no more than 2 percent of the population.
They named her Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum.

When she was 4 or 5 she asked her mother if she could have a blouse
like the one her cousins wore. Her mother said no. She asked for a cup
of tea like the one being served to the grown-ups. Again her mother
said no. She wondered why she couldn't have what she wanted. Someday,
she vowed, she would. In later life, Rand would make much of this
experience. Heller does too: "The elaborate and controversial
philosophical system she went on to create in her forties and fifties
was, at its heart, an answer to this question and a memorialization of
this project."

The story, as told, is pure Rand. There's the focus on a single
incident as portent or precipitant of dramatic fate. There's the
elevation of childhood commonplace to grand philosophy. What child,
after all, hasn't bridled at being denied what she wants? Though Rand
seems to have taken youthful selfishness to its outermost limits—as a
child she disliked Robin Hood; as a teenager she watched her family
nearly starve while she treated herself to the theater—her solipsism
was neither so rare nor so precious as to warrant more than the usual
amount of adolescent self-absorption. There is, finally, the
inadvertent revelation that one's worldview constitutes little more
than a case of arrested development. "It is not that chewing gum
undermines metaphysics," Max Horkheimer once wrote about mass culture,
"but that it is metaphysics—this is what must be made clear." Rand
made it very, very clear.