

Saturday, November 22, 2008

comments on the Australian Sex Party

Reader's Comments: Sex Party 'in with a real chance' - The Daily Telegraph
I don't think it's the right message. Imagine teaching politics to a group of year 6 students and having to explain the couple of seats represented by a pro-porn party. Hmmmm I don't think so. That said, I'd still vote for them just for the internet filter ban because that's a rediculous attack on our freedom. In fact it terrofies me - so it must be a terrorist attack.

Posted by: Ben of Sydney 12:43pm today
Comment 51 of 52
The policy of sex education is a great idea but the Sex Party also wants to reduce censorship as well. So what if 4 million people access internet porn? The fact that so many people do it doesn't mean it is right, it just means 4 million people are wrong! We are already a sex obsessed society so we don't need a special political party to advocate even more sexual freedom. We need to be less sexually obsessed not more.

Posted by: Norman Pain of Ermington 12:42pm today
Comment 50 of 52

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