

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Aussie's poorest suburb's average income is $27,388/ year. Well, I am definetely categorized as the poor because my income is far much less than those of Callaghan people. Whoa......

I was just reading an article about the poor and the rich suburbs in Australia. And my eyes are rolling over the income of the poorest suburb in Australia, which is Callaghan in NSW. This suburb's average income is $27,388 a year. Well, after calculating, my income is less than that of Callaghan's people. Whoa.....the wide gap between develop and developing countries is really real. Gosh..if I am in Australia, with my current job, I would get far much higher than I earn now. Anyway, that is life that most people here have to face in their daily situation.
Btw, if you ask why I firstly look into the income of the people in the poor suburbs, here is the answer. I would not look at the richest suburb because it is beyond most of the people's income here. Even comparing to the average income in the poorest suburb of Australia, most people here still earn far less than their counter part in Australia. 

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