

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

They are on about $502 a week whereas the minimum wage was set at almost $570 in June

Struggle city for low paid workers |

My comment: Comparing to the wages here, hey Aussies you are so lucky to have minimum wage 570 per week!

MANY florists, cafe workers and fast-food cooks earn less than the minimum wage.

They are on about $502 a week whereas the minimum wage was set at almost $570 in June.

The worst paid job, according to the What Jobs Pay 2010-11 survey, is stable hand, fetching an average $26,104 a year.

Bicycle mechanics did little better, earning $26,416 a year - $508 a week.

Check-out operators, mechanics' assistants, agricultural workers and ironers were among others on low incomes.

The survey is based on gross earnings and includes overtime and allowances.

Study author Rod Stinson said that a significant proportion of the low-paid employees earned less than the $15 an hour minimum wage.

Mr Stinson said that country workers were often at a disadvantage.

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"Often the regional labor market is in a depressed state and people are far less likely to put their hand up to complain," he said.

"So they take a lower rate because it's better than no job. Workers in big cities have more alternatives and they don't have to stay in the job."

Top earners are barristers, anaesthetists, surgeons, engineering managers and psychiatrists.

Monash University demographer Dr Bob Birrell said new migrants and foreign students on temporary visas were providing stiff competition for low-paid jobs.

"The massive influx of overseas students means they have been major players in this lower-skilled, entry-level job market," he said.

Dr Birrell said that the jobless rate for 15 to 19-year-olds was very high as they faced huge competition from new arrivals seeking work.

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