

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pouty photos and endless updates are signs of Facebook narcissism, say researchers

Pouty photos and endless updates are signs of Facebook narcissism, say researchers |
OBSESSIVELY updating your status and posting pouty profile photos on Facebook could make you an online narcissist.

Researchers at Canada's York University analysed the Facebook profiles of 18- to 25-year-olds and found egotism and low self-esteem were related to "greater online activity".

Another study by San Diego State University found 60 per cent of university students surveyed used social networking sites for "self-promotion, narcissism and attention-seeking", reported.

Australian Facebook researcher Julian Cole said narcissists were drawn to social networking sites.

"They probably show that narcissist trait offline as well, but online, they update a lot and always write about where they are or who they're with," he said.

"They manicure their profile in terms of the shots that they put up there."

But social networking commentator Laurel Papworth said the "Facebook narcissist" label was misleading.

"I would expect that to be true of a broadcast site like YouTube or MySpace, but Facebook is where you communicate with your inner circle of friends and it mimics your everyday behaviour," Ms Papworth said.

"Everybody else is simply updating their friends with what's going on in their lives and allowing them to comment."

Instead, Ms Papworth said regular Facebook posters were "trying to show that they feel loved by friends writing comments back".

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