

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I don't want the tax I have paid being used to subsidize the smokers (Although I know that many poors love smoking)

"Merokok merusak kesehatan. Karena itulah pecandu rokok dari kalangan
miskin di Jakarta harus segera menghentikan hobi buruk itu.
Lebih-lebih Pemprov DKI mempertimbangkan untuk mencabut Jaminan
Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Keluarga Miskin (JPK GAKIN) dari mereka yang
merokok." (quoted from detik)

good news....I fully agree with this policy. Although I know that many
poors love smoking, I don't want the tax I have paid used to
subsidize the smokers. They should stop smoking if they still want to
get the welfare benefit. How these people prefer to buy cigarette than
nutritious food. My tax should go to mindful people!

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