

Friday, August 20, 2010

A comment for stupid Ramli Mansur

West Aceh District Chief Says Shariah Law Needed or There Will Be Hell to Pay | The Jakarta Globe
A few more years of shariah law in this place,and people will have forgotten freedom of thought. There is no concept of freedom of religion, now. This simian (and I'm being unkind to simians), scumbag is blind, deaf, dumb, stupid, and a total control freak. Anyone arguing that shariah law is a good thing should take a good look at this.

Ramli Mansur, I hope you die in pain, slowly and alone for your crimes. No waiting to see if you go to hell. I hope people wake up to the idiocy of you and your Islamic thugs. Dressing criminality up in religious gobbleydegook doesn't wash with those that can still think for themselves.

This twat makes the FPI seem almost sane by comparison.

You need to be gotten rid of sir, you are an affront to everything good and positive in this world.

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