

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

food shortage

The Philanthropist
Anyone with two cents of knowledge knows that there is no actual intrinsic value in paper money. Our whole economic system is based on "trust." If one day the stock markets crash and we go into a recession the value of our dollars will be worth almost nothing. To counter act this effect many investors are turning to silver and gold, the metals that our system was originally based off of. Now you can hear learned people preaching the value of investing in precious metals and coins instead of investing in paper-stocks and bonds. The reason that I laugh is that these people are also in the dark concerning the value of gold and silver during a global crisis. This is also a mistake since one day we may no longer use paper money. The government is pushing for electronic money and micro chip technologies for an eventual world currency. No one that I know wants to be micro chipped or use electronic credits, so why are the global bankers pushing for it? The reason is maniacal control and supposed safety. I hope that I am not around the day it becomes mandatory. The reason I am also against investing in metals is that they will only be worth what someone is willing to give you for it during a time of crisis. A brick of gold for a pound of wheat?! I might be able to take that bag of gold off your hands if your hungry during a recession. The only thing of value during a time when currency is devalued is food and commodities. Instead of buying stocks, bonds and gold, go buy a nice plot of land and grow your own vegetables and wheat. This is the only solution to the fore casted doom that has been projected on the future of the United States. You better hurry, heir loom seeds are becoming a rare thing and genetically modified seeds are on the up rise. If companies like Monsanto have their way there won't be a natural seed left in the hands of indigenous farmers in the next fifty years. If the economy collapses we will move back into a time of clans and militias. This means you will need close friends around you and your family to protect each other and your food supplies. I am not saying this to drive anyone into a frightful panic but the only way to get the power back into the hands of the people is good old farming and the creation of small businesses, like the good old days.

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