

Friday, January 21, 2011

Vincent Tabak update

 This is the update (20 Oct 2011)
Vincent Tabak apologises to Joanna Yeates's parents over her killing | UK news |

More than 10 months after killing his next door neighbour, Joanna Yeates, Vincent Tabak has given his first full public account of the moment he attacked her.

Tabak said he tried to kiss Yeates after she invited him into her flat and made a flirtatious remark. He insisted he had not meant to kill or seriously harm her, adding that he had only wanted to kiss her and was not planning to try to have sex with her.

The 33-year-old Dutch engineer denied that he had lifted Yeates's top or touched her breasts. He also said he had not been spying on her before the attack, which happened on 17 December last year.

He apologised for hiding Yeates's body on a country lane three miles from her flat, where it was found eight days later, on Christmas morning, and said he was sorry for putting Yeates's parents and her boyfriend, Greg Reardon, through "hell".

Tabak was asked in court to demonstrate how he put an arm around Yeates and how he put his right hand around her neck.

Her parents, David and Teresa, sat in the front row, five metres from Tabak, as he did so. They did not appear to look at him once as he gave evidence.

Tabak – who admits manslaughter but denies murder – began by answering questions from his barrister, William Clegg QC. He spoke of his childhood and education in Holland, saying he grew up in a small town, went to university and became an expert in the flow of people through buildings and public areas.

He said he studied until he was 29, when he came to England and got his first job at a design and engineering company in Bath. He had no girlfriends in Holland but met Tanja Morson online via Guardian Soulmates and they began living together in Clifton, Bristol.

Yeates and Reardon moved in next door in October 2010, but Tabak was soon sent to California for work. He said he may only have seen his neighbours once.

On the night of the killing, Morson was out at a staff party. Tabak said he had pizza and a beer then decided to go to Asda. "I felt a bit lonely," he said. "I didn't want to stay home alone."

As he walked down his path, Tabak said Yeates, a 25-year-old landscape architect, waved and indicated that he should come into her flat.

He said he told her he was "a bit lonely and a bit bored" because his girlfriend was away. Yeates said she was also "bored at home" because Reardon was not there.

The defendant said they talked about Yeates and Reardon's cat, which used to find its way into Tabak and Morson's flat. Tabak said Yeates had told him the cat sometimes went into places "that it shouldn't go. A bit like me … "

He told his barrister: "I got he impression that she wanted to kiss me. She had been friendly. I leaned forward and I think I put one of my hands on her back and tried to kiss her. She started to scream quite loudly."

Tabak's voice broke as he described how he "panicked". He said he put his hand over her mouth, said he was sorry and asked her to stop screaming. He said he took his hand away and she began to scream again.

"I put my hand over her mouth and the other hand on her neck," he said. "I was panicking. I wanted to stop her screams. I wanted to calm her down."

"Did you intend to kill her?" Clegg asked. "No definitely not," Tabak said.

He was then asked: "Did you intend to cause her serious harm?" "No, definitely not," he replied.

Clegg asked how long Tabak had kept his hand around her neck. "For a short, short time, I think less than a minute," he said.

The barrister asked him to "relive" the moment in court, close his eyes and estimate how long he held her for. Tabak held his eyes shut for 15 seconds.

Tabak said Yeates "went limp". "She fell to the floor. I was in a state of panic, shock," he said. "I still can't understand what happened."

He claimed the attack took place in the kitchen. He carried Yeates's body into the bedroom, where he placed it on the bed. He then carried it into his own flat.

Tabak said he went back to Yeates's flat, switched off the oven and television and picked up a pizza that she had bought on the way home that night and one of her socks that had fallen off. He took those items to his flat.

He then put the body into a bicycle bag and put it in his car boot before driving to Asda. Asked why he had done so, he said: "I can't believe I did that. I wasn't thinking straight."

Tabak drove towards Bristol airport and stopped at Longwood Lane. He said: "I did something horrendous. I decided to leave her body there." He said he tried to heave the body over a wall but could not, so he covered it with leaves.

Clegg asked him about Yeates's clothing being "rucked up", exposing part of one breast. Tabak said it must have happened when he moved the body. He said traces of his DNA found on the outside of Yeates's jeans and on her breast area must also be the result of him moving the body.

He removed his spectacles and seemed to wipe away a tear when he apologised for dumping the body, saying: "I'm so sorry for doing that. I know I put Joanna's parents and Greg though hell for a week. I still can't believe I did it."

Tabak said he returned to his flat after dumping Yeates's body. He collected the bicycle bag, pizza and sock and dumped them at a recycling centre. Later, he went and picked his girlfriend up and tried to carry on with life as normal.

He said he expected the police to come for him at any moment. He began to drink and take sleeping pills. He told the court that before he was arrested on 20 January, he considered killing himself by jumping off Clifton suspension bridge.

Even after his arrest, he admitted he lied to police, saying he "stupidly" hoped they would not find the evidence to convict him.

Clegg concluded by again asking Tabak if he had meant to kill Yeates or cause her serious harm. "Definitely not," he said.

Nigel Lickley QC, for the prosecution, began by asking Tabak if he was "calculating, dishonest and manipulative". Tabak accepted that he had been after killing Yeates.

Lickley put it to him that if he was like that after the event, he was probably like it before, but Tabak disagreed. Lickley accused him of being "calculating, dishonest and manipulative" in the witness box. The defendant insisted he was not.

The prosecutor suggested there was a "sexual element" to the case. Tabak had said he wanted to kiss Yeates. "Were you thinking of having sex with Joanna?" Lickley asked. "No," Tabak replied.

Lickley asked if Tabak was attracted to Yeates. He accepted he liked her face and may have been attracted by her hair and clothes.

The prosecutor asked Tabak to demonstrate how Yeates had "waved" to him as he left for Asda. Tabak did so. He said he could not remember the gesture she had used to "beckon" him in.

Tabak repeated that he believed she had flirted with him in the flat. Lickley then asked him to demonstrate how he had put his hand on Yeates's back. Tabak did so.

The prosecutor asked Tabak how and why he had put his hands on Yeates's mouth and neck. He repeatedly asked him how Yeates had reacted. Tabak repeatedly replied: "I can't remember."

He said he could not remember whether she was frightened, adding that she was "definitely not struggling".

Lickley asked Tabak to demonstrate how he had put his hand around Yeates's neck. He did so using his right hand.

The prosecutor then asked Tabak if he had pulled her top up. "No," Tabak replied. Tabak was then asked whether he had touched her breasts, and whether that was what made her scream. "No, definitely not," Tabak said.

He asked Tabak twice whether he had eaten Yeates's pizza. Tabak denied that he had.

Lickley said: "All you had to do, Vincent Tabak, was walk out of the house. Correct?" Tabak said: "Yes, but I didn't".

The trial continues.

Joanna Yeates murder: Detectives search flat of her Dutch neighbour | Mail Online
Now the UK police has arrested  Vincent Tabak allegedly kills Joanna Yates. Is he a killer? um....can't wait to read the final investigation.....


  1. I know him and i don't think he is a killer

  2. Now that it is a month since Joanna was killed the police have to appear to be making some progress. Having failed to fit up the landlord they are having a go at an easier (foreign) target. Good for them.

  3. No one yet knows if he is the killer or not - let the police do their very important job. If he is charged with this terrible crime a court case will follow and he will have a fair trial. I pray whoever did this horrific act is taken off the streets and brought to justice ASAP - for the sake of Jo Yeates and all women who remain in danger while he is free.

  4. Oh dear. Wrong again! What a bunch of turnip munching dolts these yokel police are

  5. Why are people saying the guy didn't do it - how do you know? I'm sure the Yorkshire Ripper's friends and family thought he was a really nice bloke...
    Contrary to common prejudice the police generally get their man!

  6. Well, I just hope the whole grisly episode comes to an end soon. I've even had dreams about Joanna. First time I had a dream like that about someone I don't know.

    Hopefully, this case is reaching it's final chapter and we wll know who really did it.

    I'm not so sure that there was only one person, but you never know.

  7. Thank you for all the comments. Anyway, Vincent Tabak will remain innocent until it proven guilty.

  8. The police aren't looking for who really did it, but who can most successfully fit the frame. If the investigation follows the usual method, evidence will be found of his previous mental instability, he'll then be sectioned and then pumped so full of drugs that even he won't remember who really did it. Then he'll be locked up for life. Google on 'Barry George' & 'Ian Huntley'.

  9. Does someone commenting here really believe Ian Huntley is innocent of the murder of those two little girls? What utter rubbish - of course he did it, the case was clear cut!
    Barry George on the other hand was fitted up and Jill Dando's killer (a professional hitman in my view - hence he evaded detection) still walks free and will no doubt never face justice.

    We shall have to wait and see if the latest man questioned over Jo Yeates murder is released or charged - til then of course he remains innocent. However as a society we should surely be investigating why it is that a small but significant proportion of men murder women every year. That's the biggest mystery of all!

  10. I just read Guardian and Daily Mail,Vincent Tabak is already charged of Joanna Yeates murder. Tabak will appear before Bristol magistrates court on Monday (24 January 2011) accused of killing the architect.

  11. Could one be forgiven for forming the impression that in Britain an individual's guilt or innocence rests upon the whim of the media?

  12. As a Dutch national who lived in the U.K. for many years I can only hope that this horrible incedent won't change the minds of the general public in their view of all foreigners living and working in the united kingdom

  13. These murder investigations target so many innocent people and completely wreck their lives. To be accused of something you didn't do at any level is absolutely horrific and blights your whole life. In a case like this a perfectly innocent person can be locked up for decades before finally managing to prove their innocence. It is like being in a banana republic police state.

  14. I hope he hasn't committed this crime, but seems to be swaying towards the fact that he has. How long has he been in the country for? considering he lives in Bristol and works in Bath I hope that they look into the Melanie Hall murder again. He didnt hand himself in if he did do it so makes you think!!!

  15. Melanie Hall's murder was 15 years ago - Vincent Tabak is only 32 and has only been living in the UK for the last 2 or three years so there would not appear to be a link... As a 32 year old man living next door to the murder victim you would assume he'd have been under suspicion (and arrested and questioned) very soon after the murder, not a full month later... but it seems he was eliminated very early on and the landlord arrested & questioned instead.. I am baffled but hope to God the police have charged the right man as whoever did this is obviously a grave danger to women. No doubt all will soon become clear... we hope.

  16. The police aren't stupid, they will have been pursuing many avenues of investigation. Tabak wont get locked up and charged if the police haven't found any inconsistencies in the information he has presented to police. The police already believe they know the vehicle used to transfer the body, they are likely to have found the vehicle's owner etc etc. Someone's phoned the police and implicated Tabak. Tabaks then been questioned. The police have probably found inconsistencies in his story. Tabak knew that Joanne Yates boyfriend would be away. We'll later find out further information about why the police believe they have got their man.

  17. Do you guys think that Vincent Tabak may have been sacrificed as a spacegoat???

  18. no, I do not think they send goats in space any more.

  19. lol..spacegoats? huh...
