

Friday, February 12, 2010

Facebook as evidence for the scene of the crime

Divorce lawyers turn to Facebook for cheating evidence |
MORE people are cheating on their spouses using Facebook and more divorce lawyers are returning to the scene of the crime for evidence, the New York Post reports.

A whopping 81 per cent of matrimonial lawyers say that in the past five years they have seen a massive spike in the use of social-networking information as evidence of infidelity, a new poll shows.

The most widely used cyber-evidence - including messages to lovers and incriminating photos - is found on Facebook, the survey from the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reveals.

"Every client I've seen in the last six months had a Facebook page," said the group's vice-president, Ken Altshuler, "and the first piece of advice I give them is to terminate their page immediately."

Sixty-six per cent of those surveyed said they would used Facebook postings as evidence, with 15 per cent from MySpace and 5 per cent from Twitter.

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