

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cmment on Climate Change

Rightwing climate change deniers are all for free speech - when it suits them | George Monbiot | Environment |
Most of the climate change deniers I've seen on here behave either like spoilt children who want their own way automatically without question, or, like the thin edge of right wing dictatorship. In my view the latter is the most realistic possibility. Many of these idiots would willingly condemn environmentalists as hippies and enemies of the state if given a chance and then camps would soon follow. Any threat to the right wing consumerist right to devour the planets resources to the ultimate extreme, even if that means the death of the life-preserving capabilities of the planet itself, must be opposed. They ferociously attack us because a) they secretly fear that we are right and they can't bring themselves to accept the death of their greedy totalitarian consumerist dream and b) because we represent a threat to the system that's most to blame for climate change - multinational corporation dominated turbocapitalism (as distinct from localised sustainable capitalism), or 'corporate greed' basically. People like this are extremely dangerous because they will stop at nothing to achieve their final orgy of consumerist squandering of resources, whatever the consequences for life on earth and whoever gets in their way. (greenfellow)


  1. ichaaaa... dulu kuliah di f sastra unpad kan... klo iya, tolong add akyu di facebook ya.. pake nama fathia amada tabina... makasih- anas

  2. Climate change will be a matter of life and death for mankind... I'm convinced of that. Your spoiled brats and fascists refuse to see and act on the problem. Like horses wearing blinkers, they focuse only on short terms and themselves. But they are worse, since they are selfish and choose not to see!
    Let's hope we as a people will be able to overcome greed and squanderous consumption before it's too late!! -`o´-
