

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bail-out things....No soup for responsible people

I like this cartoon explaining very well the cause of the collapsed of
American economy. A friend of mine said that the federal reserve is
just going to print the money to pay the bail. This will not happen if
banks were not easy to give loans just to anyone. Actually, the federal
reserve is illegal, it is not even part of the government. The Fed is
just a group of banks that decide how much money to print and how much
to sell money for. Under the constitution of America this is illegal.
He added that only congress is allowed to do this. By taking the money,
the government controls the banks, and with the control the government
could make the bank not give the money so they can keep control.
Actually the source of the mortgage problem in America, he said, is the
institutions that the previous government has created, Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac. They are government companies that setup loans. It seems
complicated....government tried to help and ended up with a troublesome

PS : Sorry, I forgot where I picked up this pic but it is Mike Lester's art work..

1 comment:

  1. This comic, is a perfect depiction of the liberal ideology.
