

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Reader's Comments: Knives, chainsaw threats to Centrelink staff |
It should be legislated that if you threaten or use violence on anyone at Centrelink that they AUTOMATICALLY CUT your benefits and you will never receive them again, EVER. I am sick of working my backside off for bludgers to sit on the dole and even worse, giving $5000 for each child they bring into the world, just to become more dole bludgers as their parents don't have a work ethic. The $5000 should ONLY be for people who are employed. Why not take these people and make them clean up our communities ie: Clean graffitti off buildings, mow parks, clean up rubbish etc. And don't get me started with the number of immigrants that are allowed into the country (roughly 180,000 a year) and then after 2 years they are allowed to claim benefits. I have had immigrants tell me that they are going to "retire" as they have been here for two years and can now kick back on welfare benefits for the rest of their lives! At TAX PAYERS EXPENSE. Fantastic job our Governments have done with that one too!

Posted by: JA of Sydney 3:17pm September 15, 2008
Comment 191 of 266

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