

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

whether we have faith of not, we are by and large very tolerant of people whatever their particular view

Ed Miliband: I don't believe in God (but I WILL get married) | Mail Online


Ed Miliband said: 'I don't believe in God personally but I have great respect for those people who do. Different people have different religious views in this country.

'The great thing is that we are all, whether we have faith of not, we are by and large very tolerant of people whatever their particular view.'


Menghitung BPHTB

detik Finance : BPHTB Rumah Rp 50 Juta

Pada tahun 2009, saya membeli rumah secara over kredit senilai Rp 50 juta. Saya telah membuat akte jual beli dan akte pengalihan hak atas tanah dan bangunan di depan notaris. Di penjelasan terdahulu, disebutkan BPHTB untuk pembeli dikenakan 5%, tetapi dikurangkan dulu NPOPTKP (maximal Rp 60 juta).

Pertanyaan saya adalah bagaimana perhitungan BPHTB pembeli jika harga rumah Rp 50 juta?


Berdasarkan Undang-undang No. 20/2000 tentang Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan Pasal 7 disebutkan bahwa Nilai Perolehan Objek Pajak Tidak Kena Pajak ditetapkan secara regional paling banyak Rp. 60.000.000 (enam puluh juta rupiah), kecuali dalam hal perolehan hak karena waris atau hibah yang diterima oleh orang pribadi yang masih dalam hubungan keluarga sedarah dalam garis keturunan lurus satu derajat ke atas atau satu derajat ke bawah dengan pemberi hibah wasiat, termasuk suami, istri, Nilai Perolehan Objek Pajak Tidak Kena Pajak ditetapkan secara regional paling banyak Rp. 300.000.000 (tiga ratus juta rupiah).

Berdasarkan ketentuan diatas, maka cara perhitungan untuk pembelian rumah seharga Rp. 50 juta adalah sebagai berikut :

  • Harga Jual                         = Rp. 50.000.000
  • Nilai Perolehan Objek Pajak Tidak Kena Pajak         = (Rp. 60.000.000)
  • Dasar Pengenaan Pajak                    = Rp. -
  • BPHTB = Rp. 0


Women apologise more than men, Canadian study finds



WOMEN say sorry more often than men, while men are less likely to believe they need to apologise for their actions, according to a Canadian study reported by USA Today.

Psychologists at the University of Waterloo in Ontario found men have a "higher threshold" for behaving badly.

They also don't see eye to eye with women as to what is right and wrong, the study published online in the journal Psychological Science found.

"The gender differences just sort of leapt out at us," psychology professor Michael Ross, who co-authored the study, said. "It was too big to ignore. It was just very clearly there."

The psychologists used 186 people for their study and divided them by gender.

The participants were asked to keep a diary outlining instances when they apologized for their actions or felt they should have.