

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hard power meets soft power

Source : Guardian

"Hard power meets soft power" is how China's leader visiting America
was described, but is it really a fair way to describe these two

As Hu Jintao enjoys some White House hospitality, we take a look at
some of the key facts about the two countries the leaders represent.
Collecting these facts about the economy, industry and people of
America and China gives some clues to just how powerful these two
countries are and will be.

Perhaps the most extreme contrast between the two countries was seen
in current account balance which shows that the US has been growing
the world's largest debt burden, while China has been running with the
world's greatest budget surplus.

The GDP growth was another big contrast, the GPD growth of China is
9.6% compared to just 2.6% for the 3rd quarter of 2010.

Despite these big differences showing China's power for growing, the
domestic market capitatlisation given by the world federation of
exchanges was still $15tn for the US compared to only $3.6 tn for

We have covered before the amount of US stock that China owns, which
gives an indication of country power.

So it seems that the balance of power is shifting. What facts would
you like to know about America and China?

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