

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Would you have a long distance relationship? | Women on Men Blog
The concepts of space and time and how they work together are mind-boggling to most of us. The theories of space, time and travel even harder to understand…

And that’s without trying to throw human beings into the mix.

The long distance relationship involves all of the above and yet many smart men and women keep trying to make them work! Because for every epic fail, there have also been tales of amazing success - thanks largely to modern aviation.

I started thinking about all this as I was watching Drew Barrymore and Justin Long in their new romantic comedy Going the Distance about two people who try to make it work despite living in opposite ends of America.

For many of us these days - while we may be geographically miles apart – we are all connected by technology now, so London can feel like Sydney.

But can it really compensate for being in the same place as someone? Is space and time still impossible for real love to get around?

“As soon as I move, I break up with who I am dating,” said Julian, 32. “I will not date someone who isn’t near me. No way!”

I have moved for love. I have travelled for lust. Do I still love or lust after these people now? No. Would I move for someone again? It depends. Not on the geographical distance – but the distance they would travel for me emotionally.

Many a long distance relationship has been started – and many long distance booty calls have gone wrong.

But space between you and time apart become irrelevant if the connection between two people is strong enough. In some ways it is true that love knows no space or time. Think about how long you can feel something – about something, no longer relevant to the time you are in.

The difference between dating and really being with someone is reality. Relationships need two people to be real with each other – and that is hard for a lot of people in the flesh no matter where they are located.

If someone can’t go the distance with you emotionally – through life, which is often the road less travelled – if you can’t laugh through that you’ll always have a gap between you that is too big to cross.

So all in all – the only person you could really move with or for – is someone who would go the distance with you and for you emotionally. As you would for them.

The reality of relationships is - you can be a world apart from someone you are in the same room with!

So to me the reasons some geographical differences don’t work out is just like any other relationship where people can’t go the distance with or for each other – because something gets in the way. Otherwise, they just make it happen!

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