

Friday, August 27, 2010

i like these pictures

They are a snapshot of a bygone age and as these charming pictures from the Forties, Fifties and Sixties show, growing up in post-war Britain was an experience that would be unrecognisable to today's children.

It was a time when school dinners meant clearing your plate, however unappetising the food; playtime meant rough and tumble games and lessons involved learning to write using a slate and chalk...


And God bless Mummy and Daddy...Morning prayers led by teacher

Second Helpings?

Anyone for second helpings? A junior Fanny Craddock enjoys her work


Playing in the traffic: Trikes and cardboard cars teach road safety in 1939

School milk

Last straw: free school milk is a touchy subject today, but in 1953 it was essential

Flu Drink

Down the hatch: Gargling for protection against flu at a Welsh school in 1938


Sticky wicket: No bails, but this would-be Geoff Boycott from 1964 has bought his own pads


A study in concentration: From the days when every school desk had a slate and some chalk

Little chefs

Little chefs: Youngsters get a patriotic lesson on the ingredients for Empire pudding


Blanket coverage: The open window suggests this was a treatment for tuberculosis


Rollerball: Grazes are part of the fun during soccer on skates

Bottoms up: A hard-headed approach to exercise

Bottoms up: A hard-headed approach to exercise

Dinner time

Plain fare: School meals were nourishing though the little girl doesn't seem too convinced

Mud larks: Wait til Mum sees you

Mud larks: Wait til Mum sees you

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