

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Culture Jammer

For twenty years, the culture jammer movement has been building momentum for a cultural revolution that will topple consumerism. Now Adbusters and our worldwide network of activists (now 86,590 strong) is calling for a Carnivalesque Rebellion this November 22–28.Think of it as an adventure, as therapy, as Buy Nothing Day times a hundred … think of it as the World Cup of global activism – a week of postering and pranks, of talking back at your profs and speaking truth to power. Some of us will poster our schools and neighborhoods and just break our daily routines for a week. Others will chant, spark mayhem in big box stores and provoke mass cognitive dissonance. Others still will engage in the most visceral kind of civil disobedience.In all, millions of people around the world will walk out of their schools, offices and factories for a week and LIVE!
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