

Saturday, February 21, 2009

carpe diem

Enjoy the present! How so? anyway, I read a blog discussing about time and being. These two topics are heady to discuss. He said that time is not moving..anyway his thoughts brooded over me this


  1. Hello. I hope you enjoyed reading the material I wrote. I have read a post of yours on Atheism and find it to be quite interesting. In fact, the article you read by me discusses many aspects of God and how we came to create him in a sense. In the article I explain how Infinity is God. But only in the sense that it makes it slightly easier to understand, I think it is most likely that God does not exist as an aware being, but as this moment, this infinity, but it is not aware and has no motivations. The reason I wrote this was because of a life long journey to figure out a way that an afterlife (though i prefer to call it the anotherlife) could exist without any mystical leaps of faith. If you have any questions I would be more than happy to discuss this more with you. Glad you read it, and glad it had your mind brooding...

  2. "time" as humans understand it, is finite and measurable, by a certain number of oscillations of a particular atom. In fact, the true essence of time, is incomprehensible, because it is absolute and humankind is incapable of observance of an absolute entity.

    God exists, with the deficiency in humankind's ability to understand the question of "whence originated life", atheists/agnostics are left without an answer, only guesses and those guesses are more dependent upon "blind faith" then the faith required to believe in God, the Creator.

    Atheism and agnosticism, require the acceptance of evolution (still devoid of any examples of transitional fossils, as much as they profess they exist, FAITH permits them to hope they do), and the precursor to evolution is a bio-genesis - which is the most recent baseless theory, given that "spontaneous generation" dispelled by Louis Pasteur known Christian scientist in the 19th century, where bio-genesis predicates that "life just happened" which is ANYTHING BUT scientific, yet widely accepted by the "apparently" faithless atheists/agnostic religionists.

    Bottom line is, atheists/agnostics/theists all live a life of faith, however, only theists maintain on a daily basis that there is a Being "greater than the individual human" and aspire to His Law, not the laws of imperfect humans.

    That's my two cents USD - in spite of our decline in value on the currency exchange rate ;)

  3. Just to clarify, Agnosticism is NOT a religion in any sense, and is actually the only existing Antithesis to religion. There are several definitions of Agnosticism unfortunately, so to clarify, this is the position I believe to be most beneficial to humans. "A person who accepts that as of this moment, we as a species cannot be sure as to the how/who/what/where regarding our genesis."(that is in my own words and very simplified)
    In response to the claim that because we exist, that there must be a creator, well this is just flawed Logic. For if WE must have been created by something, then that something that created us, MUST have also been created by something, and it goes on and on and on and on.
    Evolution has not only been proven possible in scientific experiments, but science is close (if not already there) in discovering how cell's that are the beginning forms of life can form in the environment present on our planet millions of years ago.
    Even then though, I will not say for sure that evolutionary theory is correct, just, with the evidence I have, the most reasonable and logical conclusion one can make.
    As to you 'aspiring to his law' have fun with that. I choose to find the truth on my own rather than trusting a very old, very contradictory, and very preachy book. (I speak this to all religions, save buddhism)
    As I have said many times, Religion is a Drug and a Jail Cell, it keeps you happy and it keeps you in line, following "His Law"(i.e. The imperfect MAN who wrote these Laws).

  4. Yeah...we have to be skeptical. I was born in family with a religion. Religion has been part of my life, since I was born until now. Actually I just follow my parents religion. They never asked me first when they converted me. It is common here, when you were born, you will be automatically following your parents religion.

    My parents has brought me with list of "Do's and Dont's" to make me a "good person". I think they are successful in reaching their goals. My parents are great people, anyway. They just want to make their children be good people. And religion is their weapon. I didn't mean to say that I felt regret having brought up with dogmas for long time. I love my parents. I just don't like the authoritarian style in religions.

    I still remember how upset my 'religious friends" when I asked some questions such as "why God is a male" and "why religion seems to subordinate female position, and so on. They said that I should not doubt of the religion, and added that "holly book never tells lie".

    However I have been skeptical with religions. I have observed that religions have been source of violence, which is conflictual with the 'peaceful messages' that religions have claimed.
    I just realized that I have become a "good person" because I have been scared of the punishment written in the 'holy book'. Actually I should do good things because I want to do it, not because of fear that I will be punished if I commit bad things.

    Yeah...some books have significantly influenced me, and also causing me to question religions. Be skeptical...yeah..I am still searching, anyway. I can't say more about that. I am in the muddled situation. Whether you are agnostic or theist, I think, you are lucky already have a clear stand about what you believe. So does Socrates. ...Me? ..I haven't got it yet...

    peace and love :)

  5. Talk about flawed logic:

    Leo says: "if WE must have been created, then the one who created, must have been created". Based upon what?

    Leo, you need to get a first grade education in logic.

    As you said yourself, there are many definition of Agnosticism, some subscribe to a religious ideology, some not, the same question goes to you, Mr. Agnostic, which "agnostic definition is right?" Yours? I think not.


  6. Icha, I actually am more in line the "i havent got it yet' than most would think. I do think I have a good idea, but I certainly am not sure.
    Socrates, in the hope we can have a rational discussion (void of childish nicknames, and just rude comments in general) I will explain exactly what I mean.
    You said I said:"if WE must have been created, then the one who created, must have been created". Then You said:
    "Based upon what?"
    It's simple, and based upon your own logic. You said that we exist, and we have no better answer to the question of our origins than we must have been created by a God, so therefore we were. Well, then wouldn't it then logically follow that if something must have created us, something must had created God? I mean, if you claim that in order for us to exist, something MUST have created us, then it stands to your logic, that something MUST have created whatever created us. Like I said, simple.
    You said "God exists, with the deficiency in humankind's ability to understand the question of "whence originated life", atheists/agnostics are left without an answer, only guesses and those guesses are more dependent upon "blind faith" then the faith required to believe in God, the Creator."
    Basically which is saying that because where we, as a species are currently at technologically does not explain how and when life originated, then we are only left with guesses, and may as well resign ourselves to Religion, because it makes the most sense. (Which, with all due respect, is ridiculous)
    These are by no means guesses though, they are Hypotheses based on much more reason than any religion could offer.
    It is also important to point out when you say that our guesses are "more dependent upon "blind faith" then the faith required to believe in God, the Creator."
    Absolutely untrue. In fact, the number of religions that exist in the world alone prove this. Our religion is a product of our culture, that is all. As I have said many times before, if your parents were Muslim, you would be too. I am not claiming that Christianity (or any religion in fact) may not be correct, all I am saying is that there are other possibilities.
    I like opening doors, not closing them.
    In response to your rude agnostic comments, it is hard for one such as myself to put a title to what I believe (or actually am unsure of). A title seems to assume belief, and my only belief is that, if we knew the answer, then why wouldn't we all agree. That's my WHOLE point. We Do Not Know the answer, though that is not to say we Cannot figure it out.
    I mean, look at the technological boom that occurred this century, and it is only speeding up. Answers may be just round the bend. Maybe not.
    I may have some ideas and thoughts, but nothing truly solid. So yea, that's it bud.
    Please though, if you want us to have an adult debate, I am all down, just quit with the rude remarks, and use reason and logic to make your points, and also, please answer the points I brought up the way I did for you. Look forward to your response.
