Freshness Factor Five Thousand
When I read Mraz's new year's resolution, I found it is good to follow his resolution. Well, I have got mine. But, Mraz's resolution will add mine. (ic)

When I read Mraz's new year's resolution, I found it is good to follow his resolution. Well, I have got mine. But, Mraz's resolution will add mine. (ic)
I’m a fan of positive articulation. To me, this is a step beyond positive thinking. It’s putting your positive thoughts into action – into doing – into words.
Every New Year’s I resolve to do something new/different with my life. Something grand. Something transformative. Sometimes it’s to continue doing something I love, but often it’s a new invention of some kind. Last year, the main theme was activism and in 2010 I certainly got my feet wet, literally by tromping thru the Lake Volta Region in Ghana, learning about the work of Free The Slaves – AND parading thru New Orleans promoting a green future after learning about the oil spill disaster and cover-up in the Gulf.
This year, I resolve to turn New into Now. "New” often refers to a kind or quality about something, AND tends to refer to a someday, either past or future. Now, however, always means NOW. In this tradition, I get to celebrate early and say,
Happy Now Year.
“New” generally means that something is freshly made. Now means it IS made and this is IT. Take it or leave it. I make-up that by using Now instead of New, we can cut back on consumption. For instance, I need a new computer becomes, I need a now computer. A now computer already exists – therefore is likely pre-owned and still just as powerful. A new computer requires energy and money to manufacture it and the same to get it all the way to my studio. (I’m speaking from a real experience btw. My computer by today’s standards is OLD. So is my recording technology. But that doesn’t fool me. It’s working NOW. So I’m sticking to it!)
In 2011, I resolve to repair, re-use, and keeping recycling.
Using the words, “I make up” instead of “I think” can totally lighten your load and cut-back on the number of communication breakdowns in your life. “I think” takes ownership and is assumptive. “I make-up” is much more playful and is a reminder how this NOW version of the life experience is all made-up anyway.
In 2011, I resolve to not THINK. (haha.)
Remembering to Play is another thing. In 2010 I confused my inner child by referring to my gig as work, which is silly. You can't WORK music.
In 2011, I resolve to PLAY music.
Recently some friends went on a honeymoon/vacation. They called it their Playcation. Bravo. Say no more.
So often we say, I HAVE to go to work. I HAVE to pick up some groceries. I HAVE to call so & so. Making a conscious shift and using the words “GET-TO” can change everything. We GET TO go to work. We GET TO pick up some groceries. We GET TO call so & so. I hear my dad say, I HAVE to go check on your grandmother, but I know how much he loves that he can do it. I encourage him to say, I GET TO go check on your grandmother. Pretty soon, we may not have that honor.
I have another friend who doesn’t use a to-do list, but rather, a TA-DA list – for once you complete all the tasks, it’s like magic. All is done. TA-DA!
In 2011, I resolve to be Magical.
What other forms of Positive Articulation and quirky word hybrids could you add to the ever-evolving language that becomes our life experience?
In 2011, I resolve to be a great listener.
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