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So, we are starting to pay every content of online news? that is bad idea. Information should be free.
NEWS Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch has given his strongest indication yet that the company's newspapers will charge for their online content within a year.
Mr Murdoch said during the announcement of News Corp’s full-year earnings that newspapers could no longer afford to simply give away information on the Internet.
“Quality journalism is not cheap, and an industry that gives away its content is simply cannibalising its ability to produce good reporting," he said.
Mr Murdoch added that that if News Corp were successful with plans to charge for online journalism, “we will be followed by other media," adding that in terms of timing, News Corp was “thinking in terms of this fiscal year”.
He noted that the success of The Wall Street Journal's online subscription offering has convinced him that consumers will pay for news online that differentiates itself from the mass of information available free on the web.
While Mr Murdoch has indicated before that News Corp would look to charge consumers for online access to news content, his comments today suggested a broad attempt to charge for online news across the company's many media outlets.
Mr Murdoch said News Corp was working with hardware and software developers, as well as fellow publishers, to find the most effective way to charge consumers online for news content.
He said it was "highly unlikely" that News Corp would develop its own mobile device for reading news, but he also said he was dissatisfied with a deal the company reached with Amazon to offer The Wall Street Journal on its Kindle device.
"We'll get a better share of the revenue, but it's not a big number, and we're not encouraging it at all," he said, noting that Amazon would keep information about subscribers to itself. "It will eventually cause a break between us."
Mr Murdoch’s comments came as News Corp reported US$680 million in writedowns and other one-off charges largely related to the company’s social networking site, MySpace.
The writedowns helped to drag News Corp down to a US$203 million loss for the three months to June 30. But the company believes the worst is over, predicting its adjusted operating profit for the 2009/10 financial year will increase by a “high single-digit” percentage.
News Corp’s full-year results were roughly in line with its forecast, which the company had lowered twice as the financial crisis engulfed Wall Street and the global recession hit around the world. The company posted a 32.5 per cent drop in fiscal-year adjusted operating income after telling investors in May that it expected a decline of around 30 per cent.
Like other media giants, News Corp is struggling to find growth sources while the rise of digital communications wreaks havoc on the industry's traditional business models.
Its shares have lost more than a quarter of their value over the last 12 months, although the stock has rallied by nearly 16 per cent in 2009 on hopes that an economic recovery is near.
"I am certain that News Corp is poised to profit, and deliver strong returns, as the economy rebounds," said Mr Murdoch.
In after-hours trading in New York, News Corp's class A shares were flat at $US10.58.
The publisher of The Wall Street Journal, The Australian and Dow Jones Newswires posted a loss of $US203 million ($241m), or US8 cents a share, for the quarter, compared with earnings of $US1.1 billion, or US43c a share, a year ago.
Excluding impairment and other operating charges, the company earned US19c a share, beating the average analyst estimate by a penny, according to a poll conducted by Thomson Reuters.
Group sales fell 11 per cent to $US7.67 billion, slightly ahead of the average analyst estimate of $US7.63 billion.
Chief financial officer David DeVoe later told analysts that the company expected its fiscal 2010 adjusted operating income to increase by a high single-digit percentage rate.
Mr DeVoe said the increase would be based upon the company's fiscal 2009 operating income of $US3.44 billion, which excludes $US121 million in profits from NDS, a business News Corp sold.
He also said the company expected its overall revenue to grow by 4 per cent in fiscal 2010, while ad revenue would be flat.
He said the company expected growth for News Corp's cable networks, its film division, and its satellite TV business in Europe, Sky Italia. But he also said that "visibility" remained limited due to the continuing economic downturn.
Mr Murdoch said he was "confident" the company could meet its forecast.
"I think the worst may be behind us," Mr Murdoch said, "but there are no clear signs yet of a fast economic recovery."
News Corp's television segment posted a 66 per cent drop in operating profits, weighed down by weak advertising trends at its local TV stations and the Fox Broadcasting network. Ad revenue at its stations group fell 27 per cent, because of weak auto, finance and entertainment spending.
Its cable networks -- a bright spot for the industry -- picked up the slack, with a 39 per cent increase in operating profits led by the Fox News Channel, a 24-hour news network and ratings powerhouse.
News Corp's film segment, feeling the effects of a slowdown in DVD sales -- Hollywood's largest profit engine -- logged a 7.7 per cent decline in operating profits. Its results were driven by home entertainment sales of Marley & Me and Slumdog Millionaire, while marketing costs for the theatrical releases of X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian were drags.
News Corp's division that includes Fox Interactive Media, which includes the social networking site MySpace, posted a $US136m operating loss due to ad declines and the cost of launching MySpace Music. The unit suffered turmoil during the quarter as it lost ground to rival Facebook and slashed its work force by nearly a third.
In March, News Corp installed Jonathan Miller, formerly chief executive of internet company AOL, to oversee MySpace and News Corp's other digital properties. Soon after, the company hired Facebook veteran Owen Van Natta as chief executive of MySpace.
The company's publishing businesses also slumped, amid the continuing decline of the newspaper, magazine and book publishing businesses. Newspaper and information services profits were down 63 per cent, while book publishing swung to a loss of $US1m. The company's magazine and inserts business grew profits by 7.4 per cent, to $US102m.
Mr Murdoch said closing newspapers was "not a prospect at the moment" for newspapers, though he said the company could do more cost-cutting at business like The Times of London.
But he said News Corp would continue to invest in producing high-quality journalism.
"We want to come out of this with much stronger franchises than we started with," said Mr Murdoch, noting that some of the company's competitors were facing closures. "Our policy is to win."
Hacker attack shuts down Twitter, while Facebook has problems | News | HACKER attack shut down Twitter overnight, and Facebook and LiveJournal were also "looking into" possible site problems.
A post on the Twitter blog by co-founder Biz Stone said that Twitter was the victim of a denial of service attack, a technique in which hackers overwhelm a website's servers with communications requests.
"We are defending against this attack now and will continue to update our status blog as we continue to defend and later investigate," read the posting.
Facebook was also experiencing problems.
Facebook spokeswoman Brandee Barker said the company was looking into it and would have an update "as soon as possible".
The Twitter outage began at about 9am EDT (11pm AEST Thursday), according to Ken Godskind, chief strategy officer at web performance monitoring company AlertSite.
The site still had access problems a few hours later.
Skype admits privacy breach by Chinese partner | admits privacy breach by Chinese partner
by Chris Lefkow in Washington October 03, 2008 02:50pm
SKYPE has admitted politically sensitive text messages were archived by its partner in China.
Skype, the online text message and voice service owned by auction giant eBay, said it had been unaware that the internet chat of users in China was being stored on computer servers by Chinese mobile firm TOM Online.
Citizen Lab, a group of computer security experts at the University of Toronto, revealed this week that TOM Online was spying on TOM-Skype users in China and collecting messages with specific keywords.
Citizen Lab said the messages, with words such as "Tibet," "Communist Party" or "democracy," contained internet addresses, usernames and other information which could make the senders and recipients easily identifiable.
'Censorship does exist'
Skype president Josh Silverman said in a statement that TOM Online "just like any other communications company in China, has established procedures to meet local laws and regulations.
"These regulations include the requirement to monitor and block instant messages containing certain words deemed 'offensive' by the Chinese authorities," Mr Silverman said.
"It is common knowledge that censorship does exist in China and that the Chinese government has been monitoring communications in and out of the country for many years," he said.
He recalled that in April 2006, Skype admitted that TOM Online "operated a text filter that blocked certain words in chat messages" and unsuitable messages were to be "discarded and not displayed or transmitted anywhere."
"It was our understanding that it was not TOM's protocol to upload and store chat messages with certain keywords, and we are now inquiring with TOM to find out why the protocol changed," he said.
"We are currently addressing the wider issue of the uploading and storage of certain messages with TOM," Mr Silverman said, stressing that the millions of people around the world using standard Skype software were unaffected.
"Skype-to-Skype communications are, and always have been, completely secure and private," he said.
Insecure information
In a 16-page report, Citizen Lab said "TOM-Skype is censoring and logging text chat messages that contain specific, sensitive keywords and may be engaged in more targeted surveillance.
"These logged messages contain keywords relating to sensitive topics such as Taiwan independence, the Falun Gong, and political opposition to the Communist Party of China," it said.
"These text messages, along with millions of records containing personal information, are stored on insecure publicly accessible web servers," Citizen Lab added.
The researchers said they gained access to eight TOM-Skype servers.
"With just one username it is possible to identify all the users that have sent messages to or received messages from the original user," they said.
The Citizen Lab team said there was no evidence the captured data had been used by the Chinese authorities.
But they asked: "To what extent do TOM Online and Skype cooperate with the Chinese government in monitoring the communications of activists and dissidents as well as ordinary citizens?
"What is clear is that TOM-Skype is engaging in extensive surveillance with seemingly little regard for the security and privacy of Skype users."
Surveillance state
The monitoring by TOM-Skype is not the first time concerns have been raised about surveillance and censorship in China, most recently during the Beijing Olympics.
China exercises strict control over the internet, blocking sites linked to Chinese dissidents, the outlawed Falun Gong spiritual movement, the Tibetan government-in-exile and those with information on the 1989 Tiananmen massacre.
A number of US companies, including giants Microsoft, Cisco, Google and Yahoo, have been hauled before the US Congress in recent years and accused of complicity in building what has been called the "Great Firewall of China."
Yahoo in particular came in for heavy criticism after it provided Chinese authorities with information about the email account of a Chinese journalist, Shi Tao, sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2005 for divulging state secrets.
Yahoo defended its actions on the grounds that it had to comply with China's laws in order to operate there.
The Citizen Lab report, "Breaching Trust," was published this week on the Information Warfare Monitor website, a joint project between Citizen Lab and the security think-tank SecDev Group.
Google offers cash for world-changing ideas | is marking its 10th anniversary by offering $US10 million to back world changing ideas.
Google promises to divvy up the cash between the five best ideas that spring from its Project 10 to the 100th, a reference to the numerical sum "googol" from which the internet powerhouse took its name.
"Our company's very name expresses our goal of achieving great results through smart technology that starts small and scales dramatically over time to have a tremendous long-term impact," Google said on the company's official blog.
"Project 10 to the 100th is a similar attempt to produce those kinds of scalable results by harnessing our users' insights and creativity."
Winning ideas will get Google funding, while the people that submitted them will get "good karma and the satisfaction of knowing that your idea might truly help a lot of people", according to the Northern California firm.
Google Australia engineering director Alan Noble said the company was looking forward to receiving submissions from local users.
"Australians are renowned for our world changing ideas, from the stump jump plough to the black box flight recorder to the bionic ear," he said.
"It will be great to see us challenge the other global ideas through this initiative."
The deadline for submitting ideas to Google is October 20. A panel of Google employees will pick 100 top submissions to be announced on January 27, 2009.
Google users will then vote to determine 20 semi-finalists, from which a Google advisory board will select five winners.
Information about the project is posted on Google 10th Birthday webpages that also feature a company timeline featuring such tidbits as how co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin met and the website originally being named "BackRub".
With AFP
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Project 10 to the 100th –