

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Where Is Gadhafi?

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The nearly 42-year rule of Moammar Gadhafi seems to be at a tenuous
spot. Rebels claim they control most of Tripoli and claim three of
Gadhafi's sons have been captured, including Saif al-Islam Gaddafi,
who was considered Libya's heir apparent.

The focus of the fiercest fighting, today, is occurring just outside
the Gadhafi compound in Tripoli. According to the AP, Rebels were
trying to storm the Bab al-Aziziya command center when tanks opened
fire, which led to the big question: Where is Moammar Gadhafi? Is he
in Bab al-Aziziya or is he even in Libya?

Officially, the U.S. and the rebel forces are saying they simply don't know.

"Bab al-Aziziya and the surrounding areas are still out of our
control," CBS News quotes rebel leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil as saying
at press conference in Benghazi. "We have no knowledge of Gadhafi
being there, or whether he is still in or outside Libya."

As we reported in the live blog, the Pentagon said it doesn't believe
Gadhafi has left Libya. "We do not have any information that he has
left the country," Defense Department spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said.

British Prime Minister David Cameron told reporters today that there
is "no confirmation" about where Gadhafi is.

Yesterday, the National Transitional Council offered Gadhafi safe
passage if he decided to leave the country, but there hasn't been any
word on whether that offer still stands.

The Telegraph's Matthew Holehouse reports today that most people in
Tripoli believe Gadhafi is indeed holed up in his Bab al-Aziziya, but
others believe he might have fled to either Sahba, his ancestral home;
Sirte, his birthplace; or to Algeria.

As to where Gadhafi could seek asylum outside of Libya, The Washington
Post published a quick guide, awarding the top choice to Uganda. The
Post reports:

This East African nation was the first to suggest that Gaddafi
could plop down inside its borders. "We have soft spots for
asylum-seekers," a spokesman for Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni
said this past week. "Gaddafi would be allowed to live here if he
chooses to do so." Museveni, who has been in power for 25 years, has
condemned the NATO-led mission in Libya.

The problem could be that Uganda has signed on to the International
Criminal Court, which means they would have to turn Gadhafi over, as
Malta has said they would do if he heads that way.

The Daily Beast put together another list, which puts Zimbabwe at the
top of the list and South Africa as a possibility. South African
president Jacob Zuma made two attempts to get Gadhafi to declare a

Outside of Africa, there is always Venezuela. President Hugo Chavez
has pledged allegiance to Gadhafi and, yesterday, he strongly
criticized foreign intervention in the country.

Update at 1:51 p.m. ET. Would He Take Asylum?:

Our colleague Liz Halloran talked to David Mack, a former U.S.
diplomat who served throughout the Middle East. Mack said he believes
Gadhafi would choose to live in exile.

"I think that eventually, provided he's offered safe asylum somewhere
for himself and members of his family not already captured, he might
be inclined to take it," Mack said. "It would have to be someplace
like Russia, where the United Nations Security Council could make the
request, and provided he'd be exempt from International Criminal Court
tribunals. Someplace that could be strong and stable enough to keep
him from getting in trouble and keep him safe. I think that the
Russians want to be in on the end game. Our role would be to provide
international endorsement, and to save Libyan lives." (