

Thursday, August 04, 2011

My Papua is Bleeding

It is sad to see the Papua is bleeding again. Indonesia government has failed to protect Papuan people. Maybe it is better for them to seperate from Indonesia. Fyi, Papua is rich of natural resources but the people are very poor. This happens because Indonesia Govt has been so corrupted.  Hypocrisy and Corruption is so rampant  here that I want to get out from this country. It is really a weird country. Can you imagine Indonesia is the most populous Muslims but most of them are hypocrite . They pray but they often lie and dishonest. Why they do such things?  What a strange!

Four dead in Papua unrest | The Brunei Times

SUSPECTED separatist rebels killed four people including an army officer in Indonesia's restive Papua province yesterday, the first such attack in almost four months, police said.

The unidentified attackers blocked a road near the provincial capital Jayapura, opened fire on passing vehicles and then attacked the shocked passengers with machetes, police said.

An army officer and three others were killed, while seven were injured, Papua provincial police spokesman Wachyono told reporters.

"According to intelligence information, the Morning Star flag was found thrust into the ground by the roadside," he added, referring to the outlawed flag of Papuan independence.

Jayapura police chief Imam Setiawan said authorities suspected the pre-dawn attack was the work of the rebel Free Papua Movement (OPM), which has been fighting for independence for decades. But Papuan Customary Council chairman Forkorus Yaboisembut, a community leader, said he believed the police or military were responsible. "This is the work of some other group that seeks to discredit the OPM."The attack came a day after election-related mayhem left 17 people dead in Puncak district, hundreds of kilometers southwest of Jayapura. Police said the two incidents were not related.AFP

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