Hannah Jones, 13, wins fight to be released from hospital and die at home | World News | News.com.au
* Terminally ill girl wanted to go home to die
* Hospital tried to stop her leaving
* She says she'd wants to be with family
A TERMINALLY-ILL 13-year-old girl has won the right to die at home after persuading a hospital not to pursue a High Court case that would have forced her to undergo a risky heart transplant.
Hannah Jones says she would prefer to spend her remaining days in the care of her family rather than risk dying in hospital.
She was fed-up with being cooped up in hospital wards for much of the past eight years since being diagnosed with leukaemia and crippling cardiomyopathy that she declared enough was enough.
"They explained everything to me but I just didn't want to go through any more operations," Hannah said. "I'd had enough of hospitals and wanted to come home."
Parents Andrew and Kirsty, an intensive care nurse, said they were disgusted by the initial decision to pursue the case.
"Hannah had been through enough already and to have the added stress of a possible court hearing or being forcibly taken into hospital is disgraceful," Mr Jones said.
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